
Our forum is a not-for-profit space, and we all know that ads can be both distracting and just plain annoying. To keep things ad-free and running smoothly, we rely on donations from our awesome community. Every penny goes directly towards covering server hosting costs.

Any donator will obtain a ZZL Supporter banner under their username and the eternal gratitude of ourselves and everyone involved with this forum.

At this time we can accept Venmo donations by clicking here: Venmo | Zigga Zoomba  or Zelle donations which can be sent to:

If you would like to donate another way, feel free to direct message @Rock and we can discuss further options.

While donations are truly appreciated (and we can’t thank you enough!), we’re just thrilled to have you here, contributing to our community and adding to the ever-growing wealth of knowledge shared by mankind. Your presence and participation mean the world to us.

That being said, we’d like to give a big shout-out to everyone who has generously contributed to the Zigga Zoomba Lounge...
