I’ve been considering Portugal or Spain since Trump 1.0.
Portugal is exceptionally easy to get around in if you don’t know the language.
I know just enough Spanish to get by for a couple months, after which I’d need lessons.
I’ve had conversations about this with several friends. I definitely think Gen X (which I’m a part of) had it best. Which is crazy to consider, given how disaffected we were by watching “the American Dream” disintegrate while we lived our lives as latchkey kids.
That said, we grew up before the...
i admit i know nothing about the marketplace.
But given the high likelihood of continued chaos and erratic behavior, I don’t see a leveling off and recovery as a likely outcome.
There are actually far more words on this list--including "women" (but not "men"), "advocate(s)", "political", "person-centered/people-centered", and "Native American"...
This may have already been stated in another thread—the federal workforce has been roughly the same size (around 3 million workers) for the last 60 years or so.
The US population has nearly doubled during that time.
So as a percentage of the total workforce in the US, the fed government...
About time to bump this thread again. How’s everyone doing?
Just saw a CNN clip about the local (Durham, specifically) impact of shuttering USAID and the losses of other federal contracts. Can’t find it on the CNN website—perhaps someone can track it down and provide a better link.
Just saw a CNN clip about the local (Durham, specifically) impact of the shuttering of USAID and the losses of other federal contracts. Can’t find it on the CNN website—perhaps someone can track it down and provide a better link.
I mean, there’s also the short-term ramifications of living under an authoritarian regime with no regard for truth, honor, service, human rights, equality, our legal system, or our Constitution. But yes, there will be long-term repercussions as well.
Just so we’re clear here, you’re totally ignoring the facts that:
Trump tried to withhold funding from Ukraine if Zelensky didn’t start up (or at least publicly announce he was starting up) a bogus investigation into the Biden family.
Trump has repeatedly taken Putin’s side in virtually...
Oh, they were around.
Putin’s main goal is to destabilize and eradicate America’s influence on the world stage. We are the world’s superpower; our military and nuclear capabilities dwarf all EU countries combined.
As a person who’s worked in both private and public sectors, I can say without equivocation that I made far more money for far less work in the private sector.
I left the private sector (specifically pharma/tech communications/press) because I felt dirty profiting so much while doing so...