Recent content by MendotoManteo

  1. MendotoManteo

    UNC Sports dook Biorhythms, Round Two, 6:30 Start in The Dean E. Smith Center (Now With Blood)

    There was a moment fairly early, when a Duke big blocked a shot or put in a shot. Hell, doesn't matter. And I don't remember. But I knew then, no matter what, UNC would lose. Just don't have the size to compete. Same as the game in Durham. I like Hubert, but time for a change. It grieves me...
  2. MendotoManteo

    UNC Sports dook Biorhythms, Round Two, 6:30 Start in The Dean E. Smith Center (Now With Blood)

    If our Heels can win this game, they're in the tournament. If not, I think we have to win at least one or two in the ACC tourney. As some of you know, my alma mater is SEC school, despite growing up in NC as Tar Heel fan. I never thought SEC basketball would be this good. It was a football...
  3. MendotoManteo

    Politics Post how much you paid for eggs today

    It's so fitting that this is the thing. I posted on FB after he won that "We'll now find out the true price of eggs," by which I meant much more than eggs. Lo and behold, eggs actually becomes a thing. I suppose I should put this in my Irony thread.
  4. MendotoManteo

    Politics Economic News | CPI cools to 2.8%

    Trump is as he's always been, at least to anyone with half a brain. It's like what Heath's Joker says about the dog running after the car, "Doesn't even know what he'll do if he catches it." Just a complete moron and agent of chaos. I think the recession already in place, because you can't do...
  5. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    I'll agree with our board cynic, OG, that US leadership not always what it's been portrayed. Hey, we're honest men and women here. We know the score. We know all the awful we've done. But I'll say this: NATO is not a bad thing. My socialist friends may think it akin to "Nazism," but they're...
  6. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    So your argument is to be a whiny, little bitch simpleton? To guarantee Russian interests? Great take.
  7. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    1. You're very silly if you think a complete moron has any idea what he's doing. 2. You have no foresight. Even if Trump achieves "peace in our time," that doesn't mean anything for the long-term. In fact, what is happening right now makes it much more likely there will be a WWIII. Not...
  8. MendotoManteo

    Off-Topic The Singles Thread

    I've not traveled much but I've found that there's always people just waiting to help. Makes them feel good, and rightfully so. Yes, many will be there to take advantage but many will not. Despite my deficiencies in Espanol, I'm not particularly worried. Between the fact there will surely be...
  9. MendotoManteo

    Off-Topic The Singles Thread

    Thanks again! Sounds like you get a direct out of Miami. I won't have that luxury, as I'll have a connection with Copa from Panama to Cartagena. The layover going in is likely too short, so I'm obviously going to have to do just carry-on. Will limit my "dress" game, but as you stated previously...
  10. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    It was merely his existence. Nothing more.
  11. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    Some of ya'll have already pointed this out, but this was a complete setup job by the White House. It worked just as they intended. To make Zelenskyy look like the unreasonable guy and Putin the practical, reasonable one. I credit Zelenskyy a lot. He held up. That probably ends any hope of US...
  12. MendotoManteo

    Off-Topic The Foodie Thread

    Oh, that's a good point. My terminology was wrong. Thank you for the lesson about ground v. "whole" beef in the other post. I did know that, at least! Lol.
  13. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    You're not necessarily wrong, but your cynicism distorts your perspective. I noticed the same in the Singles' thread and elsewhere. I'm a fair cynic myself, but I don't let it loose my perspective. Perhaps you get some perverse pleasure from it; I understand that, if so. But you really need to...
  14. MendotoManteo

    Politics Russia - US | Ukraine “peace negotiations”

    Regarding what will be surely be the glowing reaction from MAGA, these are the same people who chastised anyone who so much as dared to offer that perhaps invading Iraq in 2003 was inadvisable. They want the Ukraine war to end now, essentially only as a political "win" for Trump, while claiming...
  15. MendotoManteo

    Politics EU Catch-All |German Election

    Those of you who know better than me: how does our GOP compare with the AfD? Honestly, my impression is that it's nearly the same, at least in terms of identity politics. I've always hated that term. Identity politics! Because we associate it with minorities and their interests in politics...