Man, that was so great. The hype around that game was insane. So many celebrities brought in to see the great coach k one more time. And just completely spoiled it for them. So sweet.
I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Dealing with health concerns is so challenging and can really make you feel helpless at times. Sending all the best and hope that things start to improve soon.
I certainly don’t know the circumstances of every firing that has occurred, but I personally know people who have been let go despite ratings of commendable or outstanding. And I have not seen or heard any indication that that the actual performance of employees plays any roll in who gets fired.
I also work for an agency that receives no taxpayer funds. We are fully fee funded and excess revenue goes back to the general fund. 90 employees were fired yesterday.
I have received this email. I have also received instructions not to respond until I receive further guidance from management. FWIW, the forced resignation for not responding is not included in the official email. It’s simply a request for information on what I did at work for the last week...
My agency had previously sold off office space in multiple buildings because it was no longer needed with so many of us working remotely. That's one of the many challenges being faced with the return to office order. This GSA plan will make it even more challenging.
Well I should have been more worried. I'm like many thousands of federal workers that are port of the return to the office order, no matter how far away you live. Returning to the office is not possible for me so I would just have to quit if that's what it came to. I'm in a state of limbo right...
Yeah. That's really interesting. Even with just one quadrant being effected, my biggest issue, by far, is reading. I really like to read and my job requires a lot of reading. I've learned to cope with it and I can still read, just not as quickly as I used to. It's a real pain trying to watch a...
Fascinating topic and thread. The first picture in the OP popped up to my wife in facebook or instagram or something a couple of weeks ago. It led to a discussion where we discussed where we think we fall on the scale. I'm more towards the hyper- end and she's more towards the hypo- end of the...