2024 Political Polls

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No no no, not true at all. There was obviously one poster who spammed the board with it nonstop, but plenty of posters felt that it was too late in the game to make the change and that subbing in the backup quarterback at this stage of the game was too risky.

What they didn’t realize is that Biden was already sunk. Someone made this analogy, but it was like in baseball when your starting pitcher is serving up meatball after meatball. You may not have a very good bullpen but you can’t just leave the starter in at that point, no matter how little you trust the bullpen.
it's looking like we brought Emmanuel Clase out of the bullpen :cool:
Personally I’m thrilled that Kamala isn’t catering to the press. Obviously at some point she will need to sit down with them and answer questions- I believe her campaign said earlier this week that their plan is to do so by the end of this month?- but right now she is absolutely crushing it on the campaign trail while her opponent is absolutely having a nuclear meltdown. Why in the world should she talk to the press? She’s obviously getting her message out loud and clear, and it’s obviously working really, really well, to the people that matter. The only people who are mad right now that Harris isn’t talking to the press are Trump voters….and the press. Everyone else is enjoying watching this great big blue snowball roll downhill with tons of momentum.
People who think Kamala Harris will be "exposed" by interviews, debates, etc don't seem to realize that she will be compared to Trump, who has been hiding in the shadow of Joe Biden. I think the more exposure each gets the larger the gap between them will grow- with Trump ending up with only his hardcore 43% or so of the voters.
Personally I’m thrilled that Kamala isn’t catering to the press. Obviously at some point she will need to sit down with them and answer questions- I believe her campaign said earlier this week that their plan is to do so by the end of this month?- but right now she is absolutely crushing it on the campaign trail while her opponent is absolutely having a nuclear meltdown. Why in the world should she talk to the press? She’s obviously getting her message out loud and clear, and it’s obviously working really, really well, to the people that matter. The only people who are mad right now that Harris isn’t talking to the press are Trump voters….and the press. Everyone else is enjoying watching this great big blue snowball roll downhill with tons of momentum.
Yep. As soon as she speaks, regardless of what she actually says, the spin trump machine gets fuel. Since the truth is irrelevant they just need her words.
Slotkin +3 in MI
Casey+14 in PA
Baldwin+7 in WI
Brown +4 in Ohio
Gallego +4 in AZ
Rosen +3 in NV
Tester -2 in MT
Allred -2 in TX
Murcarsel-Powell -4 in FL

The Senate is looking ok at this point...

With the exception of Tester and WV Dems are ahead in their races and FL and TX could become intersting over the next few weeks;)
I think Tester is going to have to pull it out for Dems to control the Senate. I don’t trust Texas or Florida.
FWIW harris herself said last night in Arizona that the Democrats are the underdogs. Seems like they are well aware the faux convention bump could fade.
She's saying exactly what she needs to say.

We have to treat this election as if she is the underdog. The underdog role suits her purposes to push voters to do a bit more within their communities to encourage more voters to the ballot boxes.

Personally, I think we're at the point right now where she has to be viewed as the slight favorite of a tight election, which is exactly the reason why taking on the underdog role is beneficial.
Trump’s only shot to win the election now is if Harris screws up when she’s off teleprompter and actually is pressed on her record, etc. during press conferences and debates. Still don’t think she’s answered a question since becoming the nominee, right?

In other words, Trump isn’t going to “win” the election but there’s still time for Kamala to “lose” it, like Biden did in the first debate.

I suspect she will carry every state Biden did in 2020. Still can’t believe there were some who thought as late as three weeks ago that Joe Biden gave the Dems the best chance to win :ROFLMAO:
She answered questions on the tarmac a couple of days ago

Pay attention
She's saying exactly what she needs to say.

We have to treat this election as if she is the underdog. The underdog role suits her purposes to push voters to do a bit more within their communities to encourage more voters to the ballot boxes.

Personally, I think we're at the point right now where she has to be viewed as the slight favorite of a tight election, which is exactly the reason why taking on the underdog role is beneficial.

Was going to reply with exactly this

In 2016 we treated it like a given. We saw the result. You always act like you are the underdog.... Like you have to fight to win
Personally I’m thrilled that Kamala isn’t catering to the press. Obviously at some point she will need to sit down with them and answer questions- I believe her campaign said earlier this week that their plan is to do so by the end of this month?- but right now she is absolutely crushing it on the campaign trail while her opponent is absolutely having a nuclear meltdown. Why in the world should she talk to the press? She’s obviously getting her message out loud and clear, and it’s obviously working really, really well, to the people that matter. The only people who are mad right now that Harris isn’t talking to the press are Trump voters….and the press. Everyone else is enjoying watching this great big blue snowball roll downhill with tons of momentum.
There is no reason to hold a press conference with reporters asking inane questions.

I would like to see her have sit down interviews with serious journalists to discuss serious issues:

The economy with Nicholas Kristof

Foreign relations with Christiane Amanpour

Health care with Julie Rovner
There is no reason to hold a press conference with reporters asking inane questions.

I would like to see her have sit down interviews with serious journalists to discuss serious issues:

The economy with Nicholas Kristof

Foreign relations with Christiane Amanpour

Health care with Julie Rovner
Yeah. It is driving the press absolutely insane that she doesn’t need them in order to win this election. At this point talking to the press or not talking to the press is not going to gain or lose her a single vote. And after watching what the press did to Joe Biden, coupled with how they cover for Donald Trump, I’m glad she isn’t giving them what they want.
There is no reason to hold a press conference with reporters asking inane questions.

I would like to see her have sit down interviews with serious journalists to discuss serious issues:

The economy with Nicholas Kristof

Foreign relations with Christiane Amanpour

Health care with Julie Rovner
100%. No need to offer Doocy, or some other Fox propagandist, the opportunity to make completely unhinged and leading statement, then force Harris into a position to rebuke/explain and potentially appear frustrated.

Our media has abjectly failed to filter the bullshit from the truths, in part because some are fully invested in bullshit, and in large part because nearly all are for-profit organizations that know bullshit sells.
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100%. No need to offer Doocy, or some other Fox propagandist, the opportunity to make sure completely unhinged and leading statement, then force Harris into a position to rebuke/explain and potentially appear frustrated.

Our media has abjectly failed to filter the bullshit from the truths, in part because some are fully invested in bullshit, and in large part because nearly all are for-profit organizations that know bullshit sells.
Yep. All goes back to what I said earlier, the only people who are furious that Harris doesn’t talk to the press are Trump voters and the press themselves. Everyone else is just sitting back and enjoying the most fun and vibrant presidential campaign our country has seen since 2008.
If trump and Harris both say completely unhinged things at their own press conferences does it hurt both the same or is there a double standard?
Oh, Harris would definitely be hurt more, and there is definitely a political and media double standard when it comes to Trump and has been from the beginning.

Also, regarding the discussions of why Harris has surged since entering the race, I think it's mainly for two reasons: one is that her choice of Walz seems to have been a home run, especially compared to Trump's pick of Vance. And second, it seems as if there have always been a large number of people (and not all of them are Democrats) who are simply tired of Trump and want him to go away, but who were also concerned about Biden's age and ability to serve another term and therefore holding back. And so when Kamala entered the race these people have finally been coming out to support her and they're likely just happy to have a plausible alternative to another four years of Dear Leader. I say that because you can almost sense at Trump's rallies that even his supporters are sometimes tired of his stale rhetoric and rambling - he's like an entertainer whose routine has become tired and old. That doesn't mean he can't still win of course, but it definitely seems like he's lost a step and growing numbers of voters just want him to go away - they're looking for something new and fresh, and right now "fresh" is Harris and Walz.
100%. No need to offer Doocy, or some other Fox propagandist, the opportunity to make sure completely unhinged and leading statement, then force Harris into a position to rebuke/explain and potentially appear frustrated.

Our media has abjectly failed to filter the bullshit from the truths, in part because some are fully invested in bullshit, and in large part because nearly all are for-profit organizations that know bullshit sells.
Exactly. However, when the time comes - probably after the convention - when everything is signed, sealed and delivered, the nomination the DNC Platform carved in stone, etc. - VP Harris will sit down with one or more of the Sunday chat shows on CBS, ABC, PBS and/or NBC for an interview. "Face the Nation" or "Meet the Press" (perhaps both) for example. Somebody mentioned 60 minutes (this would be the most probable).

VP Harris does NOT have to have a formal "press conference" other than that. She could possibly include a chat on a cable news outlet like CNN or MSNBC - but she surely doesn't have to sit for an interview at Fox and here's why: Fox is simply an "Entertainment" cable network. It is NOT (and it even states this fact in it's own description of the channel) a NEWS outlet. They've been successfully sued for lying to the public. Why would anyone subject themselves to that BS channel?
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