2024 Political Polls

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LOL. Man, you just can't let it go with the Biden debate performance, can you? Strange thing to harp on in, like, every other post. Your posting style is like the Trump campaign: Old, tired, living in the past and definitely kinda weird. To the extent that Trump Derangement Syndrome is even a thing, at least it's a response to a person who actually has a chance to become president. But at this point anybody still obsessed with Biden, which you clearly very much are, is just bizarre...
What we witnessed with Biden being replaced was historic and still worth mentioning in the context of this race. If you guys can still talk about January 6th, 2021 every day, I can still talk about Biden being replaced mere weeks after it happened.
What we witnessed with Biden being replaced was historic and still worth mentioning in the context of this race. If you guys can still talk about January 6th, 2021 every day, I can still talk about Biden being replaced mere weeks after it happened.
That’s fine, as long as you aren’t attempting to equate the two in terms of the subversion of democracy.

But knowing you, you probably are.
Personally I’m thrilled that Kamala isn’t catering to the press. Obviously at some point she will need to sit down with them and answer questions- I believe her campaign said earlier this week that their plan is to do so by the end of this month?- but right now she is absolutely crushing it on the campaign trail while her opponent is absolutely having a nuclear meltdown. Why in the world should she talk to the press? She’s obviously getting her message out loud and clear, and it’s obviously working really, really well, to the people that matter. The only people who are mad right now that Harris isn’t talking to the press are Trump voters….and the press. Everyone else is enjoying watching this great big blue snowball roll downhill with tons of momentum.

The press' behavior at Mar-a-Lago was embarrassing. Softball questions coupled with no accountability for the firehose of lies. Why isn't the MSM concerned that fat, old, lazy Trump only does a couple of rallies a week.

The MSM wants Trump to win in 2024, just like they did in 2016. Their ratings are sagging.

Campaigns usually have a gaggle of reporters with them on the POTUS campaign trail. Candidates will occasionally make statements, answer 2-3 questions, and get back to campaigning.

Biden actually crushed his last presser on foreign policy. It was elite. In contrast, Biden's campaign had him as a stuttering 80+ year old trying to speed blurt soundbites during the debate. Kamala will perform well as the prosecutor during the debate(s). My guess is Trump won't even show for debates 2 and 3.

The Trump WH halted press briefings and had few press conferences after Trump went on about injecting bleach and disinfectants into the body.
The press' behavior at Mar-a-Lago was embarrassing. Softball questions coupled with no accountability for the firehose of lies. Why isn't the MSM concerned that fat, old, lazy Trump only does a couple of rallies a week.

The MSM wants Trump to win in 2024, just like they did in 2016. Their ratings are sagging.

Campaigns usually have a gaggle of reporters with them on the POTUS campaign trail. Candidates will occasionally make statements, answer 2-3 questions, and get back to campaigning.

Biden actually crushed his last presser on foreign policy. It was elite. In contrast, Biden's campaign had him as a stuttering 80+ year old trying to speed blurt soundbites during the debate. Kamala will perform well as the prosecutor during the debate(s). My guess is Trump won't even show for debates 2 and 3.

The Trump WH halted press briefings and had few press conferences after Trump went on about injecting bleach and disinfectants into the body.
Totally agree. The MSM has been disgraceful in their respective handling of Biden and Trump. I hope the Harris campaign continues to tell them to go eff themselves. We don’t need them
First off, I am not a troll and never have been.

Second off, it hardly took a genius to see that Biden wasn’t going to be a viable candidate in 2024. The only people who believed he could make it to the election were people who just believe whatever they’re told - those folks just kept chugging along as if everything was fine with his health because CNN and MSNBC told them so. Remember the so called “insiders” close to Biden who said he was “sharper than ever!!” a couple weeks before that debate? Lol

Third, I’m not cocky at all about Trump’s chances to beat Harris. But I’m also not going to pretend like the world is ending if my preferred candidate doesn’t win an election.
Well its your preferred candidate who is a racist felon who attacked the capital and will try to be an authoritarian…
What we witnessed with Biden being replaced was historic and still worth mentioning in the context of this race. If you guys can still talk about January 6th, 2021 every day, I can still talk about Biden being replaced mere weeks after it happened.
You are stuck on the past…you and Trump. How can someone who can’t see what everyone saw coming lead America. Totally unprepared!
The Harris - Walz phenomenon is a desire for a return to normalcy. Folks are sick and tired of Dystopia Donald messaging, his firehose of lies, and bizarre bluster, and attacks on our democratic republic - including J6.

2016 was a fluke - HIllary's campaign was ill thought out (even though she still won the popular vote). They sought a mandate instead of protecting the Blue Wall. The MSM wanted Trump and insisted he'd act Presidential any day now. We're still waiting! Hillary had an incredibly high negative Q - she wasn't likable. Then there was the Comey letter...which was a bust, but early voting and momentum swung toward Trump. Trump only ran to increase his brand which had been failing at business venture after business venture.

Walz and Kamala are more like regular people who will work with the people and for the people. I don't agree with all of their policies, but I don't think this election is about policy. It's about climate.
The Harris - Walz phenomenon is a desire for a return to normalcy. Folks are sick and tired of Dystopia Donald messaging, his firehose of lies, and bizarre bluster, and attacks on our democratic republic - including J6.

2016 was a fluke - HIllary's campaign was ill thought out (even though she still won the popular vote). They sought a mandate instead of protecting the Blue Wall. The MSM wanted Trump and insisted he'd act Presidential any day now. We're still waiting! Hillary had an incredibly high negative Q - she wasn't likable. Then there was the Comey letter...which was a bust, but early voting and momentum swung toward Trump. Trump only ran to increase his brand which had been failing at business venture after business venture.

Walz and Kamala are more like regular people who will work with the people and for the people. I don't agree with all of their policies, but I don't think this election is about policy. It's about climate.
Yeah, I’ve said for 9 years that Hillary would have been a much better President than she was CANDIDATE for President.
Trolls gonna troll. He's just managed to find a polite way to do it so he flies under the radar and doesn't get banned.

I'll say this: He was one of the only ones on the old board predicting Joe Biden wouldn't make it to the 2024 elections as the nominee. Do I think he believed it? I do not. I think he was trolling. But it turns out he was correct. Let him have his day. He's earned the right to prance around a bit on that point. Unfortunately for him, come November he's going to be wishing like hell that he was wrong about that one.
I actually said in February that neither Biden nor Trump would be POTUS in 2025 and there was a good chance neither was the nominee in November. Ignoring the realities of age is a fool's errand. It spares nobody.