2024 Political Polls

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I know many MDs who are not Pubs or MAGAs who hate Trump. Though none are surgeons
My 30 year general practioner is definitely a Dem I would guess 90% of all surgeons I have known are trumpsters
They are the epitome of country club republicans
For years their pay has been very high , compared to say a General Practionier, and they see All things Obamacare as a big threat to that differential
My "educated guess"
ElephantManElon just wants us to understand his idiotic weaving and support of Trump he's still a "Man"!
Sort of?
“… While far short of majorities, significant shares of Americans accept several false claims made by Trump.

32% say it is true that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

33% believe that "Trump recommended that 10,000 national guard troops be sent to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but Nancy Pelosi turned this suggestion down."

21% believe that "in certain states, it is legal for a doctor to perform an abortion after birth." And 20% believe "immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio."

These assertions divide Trump supporters and that division varies from claim to claim.

75% of Trump supporters believe that Pelosi turned down Trump's request for National Guard troops on January 6, 9% do not, and 16% are unsure.

67% of Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was stolen from him, 12% do not, and 22% are unsure.

Just 36% of Trump supporters believe doctors can perform abortions after birth in certain states, 26% do not, and 38% are unsure.

And just 43% of Trump supporters believe immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Ohio, while 16% do not, and 40% are unsure.

“… While far short of majorities, significant shares of Americans accept several false claims made by Trump.

32% say it is true that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

33% believe that "Trump recommended that 10,000 national guard troops be sent to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but Nancy Pelosi turned this suggestion down."

21% believe that "in certain states, it is legal for a doctor to perform an abortion after birth." And 20% believe "immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio."

These assertions divide Trump supporters and that division varies from claim to claim.

75% of Trump supporters believe that Pelosi turned down Trump's request for National Guard troops on January 6, 9% do not, and 16% are unsure.

67% of Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was stolen from him, 12% do not, and 22% are unsure.

Just 36% of Trump supporters believe doctors can perform abortions after birth in certain states, 26% do not, and 38% are unsure.

And just 43% of Trump supporters believe immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Ohio, while 16% do not, and 40% are unsure.

Yeah, this kind of stuff is what really depresses me.
“… While far short of majorities, significant shares of Americans accept several false claims made by Trump.

32% say it is true that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

33% believe that "Trump recommended that 10,000 national guard troops be sent to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but Nancy Pelosi turned this suggestion down."

21% believe that "in certain states, it is legal for a doctor to perform an abortion after birth." And 20% believe "immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio."

These assertions divide Trump supporters and that division varies from claim to claim.

75% of Trump supporters believe that Pelosi turned down Trump's request for National Guard troops on January 6, 9% do not, and 16% are unsure.

67% of Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was stolen from him, 12% do not, and 22% are unsure.

Just 36% of Trump supporters believe doctors can perform abortions after birth in certain states, 26% do not, and 38% are unsure.

And just 43% of Trump supporters believe immigrants are abducting and eating dogs and cats in Ohio, while 16% do not, and 40% are unsure.

All of this supports my contention that human beings - on average - are not very bright. We are gullible and lack the capacity to think critically. It’s worse in America when compared to the rest of the civilized world.
And it’s worse still, within the Maga world.

Think about the statistics mentioned in the comment… all of those Trumpers who believe in the obvious, and verified falsehoods. A solid majority of all Maga republicans are gullible dumbasses who will blindly follow their pied piper over the cliff. And there are a few on this board.

Are there any Cons left on this board? Do tell… Which of those falsehoods above are you in agreement with?

“There is a sucker born every minute.” - P.T. Barnum
All of this supports my contention that human beings - on average - are not very bright. We are gullible and lack the capacity to think critically. It’s worse in America when compared to the rest of the civilized world.
And it’s worse still, within the Maga world.

Think about the statistics mentioned in the comment… all of those Trumpers who believe in the obvious, and verified falsehoods. A solid majority of all Maga republicans are gullible dumbasses who will blindly follow their pied piper over the cliff. And there are a few on this board.

Are there any Cons left on this board? Do tell… Which of those falsehoods above are you in agreement with?

“There is a sucker born every minute.” - P.T. Barnum
That's such an outdated quote. He never once considered the population explosion
My dental hygienist always spouts off about some conspiracy theory or another while she’s cleaning my teeth. Normally I’d argue against someone doing that, but I find myself reticent to do so when there are sharp instruments in and around my face lol
That's when I give a complaint and keep it up until something happens. I want my teeth cleaned, not to get pissed off because the person doing it has the intelligence of a 2nd grader
Probably needs some overall adjustment. He can't be blamed for not anticipating 24 hour news or social media and, in truth, the suckers resulting are made and not born, but the way they cultivate natural talent deserves some recognition.
Okay, OK... let's not finesse a century old quote from a circus Carny - who made the joke. I'll be glad to omit it from my comment above... which was truly about Americans being some of the biggest dumb-asses in the friggin' world... the P.T. quote was in jest. When he said it, and when I typed it.
I think the main point - or at least a very, very, very important secondary point - of most jobs is not to fuck up.

Unless, I guess, you're a product beta tester...then the point probably is to fuck up.
Unless you're Trump, then you just blame somebody else. "I had nothing to do with that!"

"About two-thirds of Americans support imposing term limits on Supreme Court justices, but only 3 in 10 back expanding the size of the court — a proposal advanced by congressional Democrats and court transparency advocates as a way to dilute the power of the high court’s current 6-3 conservative supermajority. ..."

Civics Survey: A Majority of Americans Can’t Recall Most First Amendment Rights | The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
More from the Annenberg Civics poll:

"... Less than half of Americans can name most of the rights protected under the First Amendment and under two-thirds can name the three branches of government, according to the Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey, released annually since 2014. ...

  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans (65%) can name all three branches of government.
  • Asked what specific rights are guaranteed by the First Amendment, nearly three-quarters of respondents (74%) name freedom of speech. The other four rights are recalled by far fewer people: the second most-often cited, freedom of religion, is named by just 39%.
  • A little over half of U.S. adults know which party controls the Senate and which controls the House of Representatives.
  • Over 80% of Americans support prohibiting Supreme Court justices from participating in cases in which they have “personal or financial interests.” Nearly as many people support creation of a formal ethics code for the court. ..."
My dental hygienist always spouts off about some conspiracy theory or another while she’s cleaning my teeth. Normally I’d argue against someone doing that, but I find myself reticent to do so when there are sharp instruments in and around my face lol
During the pandemic, I went to the dentist and my hygienist talked at length about how her mother and sister had both recently died of Covid. I felt sorry for her until she then railed against the vaccines and would never get the vaccine. Masks in the office also were not mandatory. Needless to say, I switched dental practices. Much happier and the new dentist happened to be a Tar Heel!