2024 Political Polls

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I made the mistake of logging onto Twitter and right at the top is Nate Silver posting about how people have NDS (Nate Derangement Syndrome). This dude is such a loser.

I made the mistake of logging onto Twitter and right at the top is Nate Silver posting about how people have NDS (Nate Derangement Syndrome). This dude is such a loser.
He loves the attention
It's like this, though: is it really their intelligence?

If the MAGAs were as dumb in real life as they are about politics, nothing would get done. I had an electrician at my house yesterday. He definitely looked, talked and had a car outfitted like a Trumper, without any specific references of course. I'd put good money on him being a Trumper (for one thing, white working class men are overwhelmingly likely to be MAGA, especially in my state, even if we ignore all the other stuff). He did his job. My new breaker was installed, and as far as I know, it was done correctly.

We've also talked about all the indisputably smart people who are MAGA. My dad was a surgeon, and a good one too judging by his clientele (which included a couple of Saudi emirs). And he's MAGA to the core. He believes all the bullshit. If Trump was his patient, my dad wouldn't take what he says at face value. He'd order tests to see what was really going on, which is to say he would look for the facts. But if Trump is his presidential candidate, it's all different.

See, I think that there are multiple meanings of the word "stupid," and only one of them is a strict antonym for intelligence. When we say MAGA is stupid, we're not necessarily saying they lack intelligence. We are talking about the way they are using their intelligence, which is, shall we say, highly suboptimal.
I have also been around many intelligent MAGA’s. What I think is that they lack critical thinking skills. Here is a good article on the subject. One take from it is that even some very intelligent people cannot get past their biases.

There is a long history between quackery and dentistry (although chiropractors definitely take the cake). I've generally found dentists to be some of the most "off" of the medical professionals I've dealt with. Like, if I were going to bet on which medical professionals were most likely to be in to foot fetishism, dentists would be number 1 with a bullet.
I have also been around many intelligent MAGA’s. What I think is that they lack critical thinking skills. Here is a good article on the subject. One take from it is that even some very intelligent people cannot get past their biases.

A certain percentage are bigoted schmucks.

A certain percentage only want their taxes low (see HeelYeah2012).

A certain percentage are both.
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No sir
The Sockwells are fine folks He had some nice dark haired daughter about my age . Susan?
Sid was two years older than me. His Mom was on the school board for 8-10 years - one of those people who just made the world and Chapel Hill (and Carrboro) a better place. I never knew the older siblings. There were two daughters.

Sid’s parents, like seemingly the entire parental body of former Rainbow and CHHS soccer players, retired to Carol Woods. Sid took over his Dad’s dental practice.

Really nice family.
Interest data in this poll, including Walz's favorability more underwater than Vance, and Trump having perception advantages in healthcare, education, combating corruption, economic inequality, safeguarding democracy, and is only 2pts back on reproductive rights.
Junk poll times. It's what they are using to flood the narrative for rebellion once they lose
More on Yahoo/YouGov poll:

In previous Yahoo News/YouGov polls — one following last month’s Democratic National Convention and one released immediately after the vice president entered the race on July 21 — Harris and Trump were effectively tied. Harris’s best showing was a narrow 47% to 46% edge in August.

But the new poll of 1,755 U.S. adults — one of the first conducted after the Sept. 10 debate — shows Harris (50%) surging to a five-point lead over Trump (45%) among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup. She leads by a similar margin when third-party candidates are included (48% to 44%) and when only likely voters are surveyed (49% to 45%). …”


“… Among Americans who either watched the debate or followed the subsequent coverage of it, a full 56% say that Harris won. Just 26% say the same about Trump.

In a break with longstanding partisan patterns, the number of Democrats who say Harris won (94%) is nearly 40 points higher than the number of Republicans who say Trump did (57%).

Just 21% of independents think the former president came out on top. …”

So that is interesting— Trump’s debate performance was bad enough that it actually broke through typical party loyalty my guy won hegemony among GOP voters.

In addition, Harris was good enough to sway others to support her:


Nearly half of those familiar with the debate, in fact, say Trump delivered a poor performance (48%), while a clear majority (58%) say Harris’s performance was either excellent or good.

That same group sees Harris as the candidate who came across as more “presidential” (51% to 35%), “coherent” (50% to 29%), “competent” (50% to 36%), “focused on policy” (48% to 34%) and “strong” (47% to 39%). Trump was seen as more “insulting” (53% to 28%) and “untruthful” (49% to 35%) — as well as more responsible than Harris for making the debate “embarrassing” (50% to 29%), “painful” (46% to 30%) and “infuriating” (44% to 33%) to watch.

But Harris didn’t just win the personality contest Tuesday night; she won the policy war too. Respondents who followed the debate say the vice president gave better answers than Trump on every issue except immigration. That includes abortion (53% to 30%), the Jan. 6 attacks on the U.S. Capitol (49% to 28%), her own record (45% to 31%), the cost of living (45% to 39%) and even Trump’s record (44% to 36%).

As a result, 46% of them now say the debate made them think better of Harris. Just 20% say the same about Trump — including a mere 15% of independents. …”