2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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Oh, yeah. Totally nuts. I work a a rural school and I'd say probably 70% or better of our faculty and staff are conservatives and generally vote republican, but I know like two of the whole staff voting for Morrow. Most will break ranks and vote Mo.
Teachers who vote Republican to cut their fundings and lower their pay. Fun.

Maybe he shouldn’t have rejected those intel briefings? Then he would know the answer to his query.

“Former President Trump told the Daily Mail he will decline to receive intelligence briefings during his campaign to avoid being accused of leaking information.

What he's saying: "I don't need that briefing," he said. "They come in, they give you a briefing. And then two days later they leak it and then they say you leaked it."

  • "So the only way to solve that problem is not to take it," he said. "I'll have plenty of [briefings] when I get in." …”


Rumor has it that Trump rejected the conditions of the briefings — that Team Biden offered them but made receiving them unpalatable to Trump somehow.

Maybe he shouldn’t have rejected those intel briefings? Then he would know the answer to his query.

“Former President Trump told the Daily Mail he will decline to receive intelligence briefings during his campaign to avoid being accused of leaking information.

What he's saying: "I don't need that briefing," he said. "They come in, they give you a briefing. And then two days later they leak it and then they say you leaked it."

  • "So the only way to solve that problem is not to take it," he said. "I'll have plenty of [briefings] when I get in." …”


Rumor has it that Trump rejected the conditions of the briefings — that Team Biden offered them but made receiving them unpalatable to Trump somehow.

Made receiving them unpalatable = reminding Trump it would be illegal to share them with Putin.
So Trump tells us that immigrants are taking over 100% of the "black jobs" but now he wants to make it easy for immigrants to take our "white jobs" ?

Donald Trump supporters are rebelling against him after the former president once again put forth a policy proposal that would award green cards to immigrants with college degrees.
So Trump tells us that immigrants are taking over 100% of the "black jobs" but now he wants to make it easy for immigrants to take our "white jobs" ?

Donald Trump supporters are rebelling against him after the former president once again put forth a policy proposal that would award green cards to immigrants with college degrees.
The impending flip flop will induce whiplash.
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Although I applaud any conservative who comes out against Trump, do most of these really move the needle at all? Does anyone care what the White House lawyers under administrations from 20-40 years ago say?
I don’t think it does. If it did we would have seen some sort of shift over the last 8 years.

But, anything that adds to the current anti-trump momentum is a plus.