2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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For all of Harris’s disagreements with Trump, she has also promised to prevent any tax increases on households making under $400,000, extending most of the expiring Trump tax cuts. (For this purpose, Democrats ignore the effects of corporate tax increases on middle-income workers and shareholders.)

Such a policy effectively would lock her in to extending most of the 2017 tax law that she and every other Democrat in Congress voted against. During her 2020 presidential campaign, she had proposed repealing the Trump tax law.
WSJ seems confused about the definition of "most". Extending the Trump tax cuts would mean that 83% of the dollars would go to the top 1% (People making more than $800,000 a year).

They are trying to blow smoke up our asses by using the word "most" here to mean "extending the tax cuts to most American households" and not "extending the tax cuts cover most of the lost tax revenue".

**** the WSJ.
I am voting for Harris no matter what but nothing in her tax proposal is good for me at this particular stage of life and it would be pretty negative for my bottom line if her plans are implemented. 🤷‍♀️
I realize I am in a different life stage than you, but my perspective on it is that it is a very good problem to have. My mentality is that I would much rather be in a position where I am having to pay more taxes because I have more income and assets, than the opposite. My household would in all probability be one of the ones that would theoretically see the 44.6% top marginal income tax rate in 2026 under a Harris presidency, and I personally view it as a price well worth paying if it means that we have an administration that will finally tackle the immigration and border security problem, will continue to choke out Russia and other autocratic dictatorships, will continue to strengthen our democratic allies abroad, will codify bodily autonomy, etc.

My wife and I have a couple of close friends from medical school who are a dual physician couple in two of the highest paying specialties, clearing about $1 million a year between the two of them combined. The husband, with whom I am especially close, is constantly complaining about his tax bill over the last year since they have been full-time attendings. I’m like, dude, you make $1 million per year. Even if you are clearing, say, $600,000, you are not going to find too terribly many people in our country who feel the slightest bit sorry for you.
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I realize I am in a different life stage than you, but my perspective on it is that it is a very good problem to have. My mentality is that I would much rather be in a position where I am having to pay more taxes because I have more income and assets, than the opposite. My household would in all probability be one of the ones that would theoretically see the 44.6% top marginal income tax rate in 2026 under a Harris presidency, and I personally view it as a price well worth paying if it means that we have an administration that will finally tackle the immigration and border security problem, will continue to choke out Russia and other autocratic dictatorships, will continue to strengthen our democratic allies abroad, will codify bodily autonomy, etc.

My wife and I have a couple of close friends from medical school who are a dual physician couple in two of the highest paying specialties, clearing about $1 million a year between the two of them combined. The husband, with whom I am especially close, is constantly complaining about his tax bill over the last year since they have been full-time attendings. I’m like, dude, you make $1 million per year. Even if you are clearing, say, $600,000, you are not going to find two terribly many people in our country who feel the slightest bit sorry for you.
Not asking for pity or really even complaining … I’m voting for the policies because I can see beyond my personal tax bill.

I will add that when you pay quarterly tax payments, including FICA and the Obamacare surcharge (rather than having taxes deducted from each paycheck) you really perceive the amount of the taxes. It is what it is.
I do wonder if they will keep or remove the higher standard deduction....

But they 100% need to increase the top end tax rate or add a 50% rate over a million annual income
I realize I am in a different life stage than you, but my perspective on it is that it is a very good problem to have. My mentality is that I would much rather be in a position where I am having to pay more taxes because I have more income and assets, than the opposite. My household would in all probability be one of the ones that would theoretically see the 44.6% top marginal income tax rate in 2026 under a Harris presidency, and I personally view it as a price well worth paying if it means that we have an administration that will finally tackle the immigration and border security problem, will continue to choke out Russia and other autocratic dictatorships, will continue to strengthen our democratic allies abroad, will codify bodily autonomy, etc.

My wife and I have a couple of close friends from medical school who are a dual physician couple in two of the highest paying specialties, clearing about $1 million a year between the two of them combined. The husband, with whom I am especially close, is constantly complaining about his tax bill over the last year since they have been full-time attendings. I’m like, dude, you make $1 million per year. Even if you are clearing, say, $600,000, you are not going to find too terribly many people in our country who feel the slightest bit sorry for you.
My wife and i are dual income physicians, we make around 400-500 combined depending on the year as we are primary care. I have zero respect for physicians that make that much complaining about taxes, probably an Orthopod
Ha! You nailed it. He’s an orthopedic surgeon and she’s in derm.
One of the biggest issues we have as a health care system is that we compensate physicians who 'do stuff' to individual patients much higher than we compensate physicians who do the unglamorous grunt work to keep people healthy in the first place. A good PCP can prevent the major colon cancer surgery, the ICU admission for a heart attack or ruptured aneurysm or the brain bleed from uncontrolled hypertension.
unlike some posters here
I’m sure folks might credibly argue I am the irrational one, voting against my personal economic interests… I mean, that is one of the things that Democrats pull their hair out about, working class voters doing when they vote Republican.

And I would have my limits. But the reality is that a Democratic Administration is likely going to have to compromise quite a bit on tax policy since the current tax cuts roll off in 2025.
A lot of people in the middle of the spectrum that you classify as “Trump voters” are in fact breaking to Harris, now that there is a non-senior citizen presented to us as a choice.

The choice between Biden and Trump was the worst choice we’ve ever been presented with by far.
So, you're voting Harris?

I will admit that Biden Trump wasn't inspirational to me, even though I believe Biden's term was successful, but I was going to vote against the worst presidential candidate of all time, trump, no question.
It boggles my mind that anyone thinks this guy will end up being a net positive for Trump. Talk about tripling down on weird.

I really don't know where or when you grew up, but in my youth I don't remember a single summer where we didn't return from a beach trip at least once with a dead whale head strapped to the roof of our car. And that isn't even counting the number of mermaids that we reeled in while pier fishing.
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H.R. McMaster was one helluva soldier and combat officer based on what I’ve read.

He’s a poor politician and appears to be a bit of a GOP/Trump suck-up artist as a political appointee.
To his credit he calls Trump a chump who was a Putin suck up

So Vice President Harris planned and led the withdrawal from Afghanistan? I had no idea that a VP had such control over the military. What a load of BS from the "MAGA War Room." And yet his followers will believe it without hesitation.
Plus, Trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan, but, like most things in his life, he failed to get it done.

Some real revisionist history here.
I really don't know where or when you grew up, but in my youth I don't remember a single summer where we didn't return from a beach trip at least once with a dead whale head strapped to the roof of our car. And that isn't even counting the number of mermaids that we reeled in while pier fishing.
Good debate on the last episode of PSA about what’s crazier -

1. Brain-eating worm;

2. Driving a dead bear cub to Central Park and staging a bike accident;

3. Taking a whale head home from vacation by tying it to the top of the car with the windows open.

I really don’t think you can go wrong. Unless you’re Trump, in which case you embrace all of them.
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I’m sure folks might credibly argue I am the irrational one, voting against my personal economic interests… I mean, that is one of the things that Democrats pull their hair out about, working class voters doing when they vote Republican.

And I would have my limits. But the reality is that a Democratic Administration is likely going to have to compromise quite a bit on tax policy since the current tax cuts roll off in 2025.

Of course voting for a candidate whose policies will result in you paying higher taxes is not necessarily voting against personal economic interests. It may be for immediate or short term interests, but not necessarily for long term economic interests. And of course, regardless of those personal economic interests, paying more in taxes could support far greater interests.
I am voting for Harris no matter what but nothing in her tax proposal is good for me at this particular stage of life and it would be pretty negative for my bottom line if her plans are implemented. 🤷‍♀️
In other words you haven’t been paying enough taxes. 😜