2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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Two thoughts on the opening statements/answers.

1. In St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago's first statement the only thing he said that I believe was not a lie what when he said he had not read the "Project 2025" plan.

2. This was the opening statement that all the talking heads characterized as VP Harris stumbling out of the gate?
I'll be honest and say I was not familiar with Linda Ronstadt prior to her being featured in episode 3 of The Last of Us TV series, possibly the greatest TV episode of all time, and this just continues her awesomeness that I'm learning about:

No one has prettier eyes than Linda Ronstadt.


Holy shit. Of all of the crazy shit that we see these days, this might be among the craziest. This dude needs to be institutionalized to protect both himself and others. He is deeply unwell.
Nobody with the pathological explosive anger issues that people like Trump and Miller have should be anywhere near the levers of government. What an unbelievable embarrassment for the Republican party.
No one approaches my hatred for DonOld Trump, but second place would go to Stephen Miller.
Stephen Miller is sui generis.

I mean, in a way, you've got to give him credit: he has managed to craft his own unique style that lets him stand out from the rest of the braying GOP. Nobody is an asshole quite the way he is.

I can always recognize Stephen Miller. Give me an audio tape with the voice masked and no indication of who is speaking -- no problem. Most psychopaths are able to hide their animosity toward everyone, which is why they can be effective serial killers. Stephen Miller doesn't even try.
Stephen Miller is sui generis.

I mean, in a way, you've got to give him credit: he has managed to craft his own unique style that lets him stand out from the rest of the braying GOP. Nobody is an asshole quite the way he is.

I can always recognize Stephen Miller. Give me an audio tape with the voice masked and no indication of who is speaking -- no problem. Most psychopaths are able to hide their animosity toward everyone, which is why they can be effective serial killers. Stephen Miller doesn't even try.
Trump and Miller are both what I call "primary psychopaths". While Trumps orbit draws psychopaths like flies, all the others in Trump's orbit are "secondary psychopaths". These are folks whose otherwise natural psychopathic tendencies are more or less kept in check by the social mores and norms surrounding them in everyday civil life. Unlike a primary psychopath the secondary psychopaths lack the courage and the constitution to act on their psychopathic tendencies on their own. As such they most often pass among us unnoticed.

However, in cases where a primary psychopath rises to a position of power, the secondaries miraculously appear out of the woodwork, because they have been granted a permission structure by someone powerful to act on their natural tendencies. I think of the relationship between them like as a giant sun resistant mushroom providing an umbrella of shade which allows all the garden variety mushrooms to sprout under.

True primary psychopaths are, thankfully, vanishingly rare. Secondary psychopaths are a dime a dozen.

Trump and Miller are the only two that spring readily to mind that fit the primary psychopath profile.
Tom Cotton. Kash Patel. Clarence Thomas.
Could be, though I see Thomas in particular as a special case of secondary psychopath with the cover of a lifetime Supreme Court appointment providing a similar type of coverage that the primary psychopath provides. I feel like it took some time for Thomas to reveal his full awfulness, and that was him taking the time to experiment and test his lack of accountability for his actions. A primary wouldn't feel the need to do that.

Cotton and Patel are genuinely awful people, but to me they lack the out-of-the gate air of reptilian menace that I feel puts a person into contention for primary psychopath status.

But I think reasonable people can disagree, and in all probability its a spectrum and not binary anyway. I find the primary/secondary frame useful, but it's just a model that I use to help me make sense of reality, and not reality itself.
But I think reasonable people can disagree, and in all probability its a spectrum and not binary anyway. I find the primary/secondary frame useful, but it's just a model that I use to help me make sense of reality, and not reality itself.
Yes. I will have to ask my wife about this. She's does forensic psychiatry.

Surprisingly (to me), I've never seen that distinction in any serious discussion, and my initial reaction was that it was something you made up. But since I almost always fact check myself before posting (unless I'm very sure what I'm talking about), I now see that it's a recognized distinction. I like learning.