2024 Presidential Election | 43 Days to Election Day

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How much local law enforcement needs to be hired AND CAN be hired.

I expect El Paso can put a crapload more officers on overtime than Lebanon, OH can…….and the Trump Campaign would have felt safe in Ohio and demanded a greater LEO presence in El Paso.
Yup. That also goes in to “size and scope” as I stated. I left it vague, generalized. Some specifics you’ve provided help flesh it out.

You know…….no doubt about this……a bunch of nigras overwhelmed that beautiful white woman, Mz. Nancy Mace.

In the good Ol’ days, no chance those Nigras would have been able to be that disrespectful to Mz. Mace.

Donald Trump will make sure Nigras respect us.
How pathetic do you have to be to go on live television and when asked directly about a racist comment from Trump, be unwilling to denounce it while smugly smiling and using the excuse that "I didn't hear him say it so I can't speak to it"?
Loved Abby Phillip speaking frankly and saying "This doesn't take that much courage to say that was out of bounds." But as the other commentator stated and we all know, it's a cult and adherents don't dare speak out against Dear Leader. Instead, Mace doubles down, hides behind her womanhood, and plays the victim. Just embarrassing behavior by Mace.
Loved Abby Phillip speaking frankly and saying "This doesn't take that much courage to say that was out of bounds." But as the other commentator stated and we all know, it's a cult and adherents don't dare speak out against Dear Leader. Instead, Mace doubles down, hides behind her womanhood, and plays the victim. Just embarrassing behavior by Mace.
Not the first time for Mace. Her MO is to play the victim to avoid responsibility for her bigotry. It’s consistently pathetic.

These people are children. Repulsively juvenile and obnoxious. How this appeals to literally any adult person, I’ll never understand.

I've said that trump acts like a 9 year old boy, since he first announced his candidacy. His CULT has only grown to be more like him.
How pathetic do you have to be to go on live television and when asked directly about a racist comment from Trump, be unwilling to denounce it while smugly smiling and using the excuse that "I didn't hear him say it so I can't speak to it"?
Agreed, one doesn't need to hear something to know that the premis, in general, is out of bounds.

I watched that vid last night. Just another example of how her social media team is knocking it out of the park.

It appeared organically in my YouTube feed and felt like just another YT vid that you’d watch from a creator.

Great communication method!
I've said that trump acts like a 9 year old boy, since he first announced his candidacy. His CULT has only grown to be more like him.
They have learned by watching him that they can get away with it. They are not bound by decency.