2024 Presidential Election | 43 Days to Election Day

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lol...hear that, ladies? Y'all have become too mouthy. Now shut up and get back to the kitchen and making babies!

My GF would repeatedly kick this dude in the testicles if she heard him say that shit
It is interesting how popular these group calls for Harris have been.

It will also be interesting how the small but Growing Republicans for Harris movement might regroup if Harris actually wins — their stated goal is to defeat Trump and re-take the Republican Party in the likeness of Reagan, McCain and Romney, which would mean reforming or culling a lot of elected MAGA officials somehow.

Legitimately, the best direction for the democrats at this point is to let the MAGA candidates, Trump included, just keep on talking. They aren’t even hiding it at this point. It will prove to be an absolutely huge mistake.

I remember in the 2022 primaries, there was a lot of discussion of whether it was better to have the MAGA pubs win their primary in order to the dem candidate to go up against someone insane, or whether it was better to not have a chance they could get in on a whim. It paid off then to go against the MAGA’s in many cases, and I think the pubs will see the same thing again this time around. Get ready for the FO portion of FAFO.
I don’t remember which thread it was on, but there was one where Wlaz commented that he thanks EVERYONE, including Vance for their military service. This is what I miss most in regard to where politics is today. There was a time not so long ago where politicians from BOTH SIDES respected their opponents, while disagreeing g with their political stances. I know this was the case with McCain and Obama. I blame Trump for that changing, and until MAGA is eliminated fro the political realm, I don’t see there being a time where there is t some of that still present.

Realistically, any sane person knows that Biden is not the WORST president, and Trump is not the BEST, no matter how many time he types that in a tweet. I’d be much more nervous about Trump if he actually showed false respect for Harris while blowing up her positions.
I don’t remember which thread it was on, but there was one where Wlaz commented that he thanks EVERYONE, including Vance for their military service. This is what I miss most in regard to where politics is today. There was a time not so long ago where politicians from BOTH SIDES respected their opponents, while disagreeing g with their political stances. I know this was the case with McCain and Obama. I blame Trump for that changing, and until MAGA is eliminated fro the political realm, I don’t see there being a time where there is t some of that still present.

Realistically, any sane person knows that Biden is not the WORST president, and Trump is not the BEST, no matter how many time he types that in a tweet. I’d be much more nervous about Trump if he actually showed false respect for Harris while blowing up her positions.
Okay, but Trump was the WORST.
There was a time not so long ago where politicians from BOTH SIDES respected their opponents, while disagreeing g with their political stances. I know this was the case with McCain and Obama. I blame Trump for that changing, and until MAGA is eliminated fro the political realm, I don’t see there being a time where there is t some of that still present.
I believe it started before Trump. He and the loons just amplified it. There was a time before congress folks went flying off every weerkend to raise money. They stayed in DC and attended the same "must attend" parties thrown by the socialites. Newt and his cohorts began the animus we see today.

“You can’t look at this issue without considering the timing and context in which she arrived in the Senate,” said Halie Soifer, who was Harris’ national security adviser during her early days in the Senate. “Her first month in Washington was also Donald Trump’s.”

Her time on the panel “solidified her worldview in terms of the importance of defending democracies and multilateral alliances,” Soifer said of the panel’s work on assessing Russia’s global campaign against the U.S. and its allies.

It was also Harris, a newcomer to the panel and to Washington writ large, who prodded her fellow committee members to conduct an aggressive investigation that would stand up to public scrutiny, according to two people who were in the room at the time and two other congressional staffers briefed later on closed-door deliberations of the panel.

“It’s a committee that we always prided ourselves with bipartisanship, particularly back when we were doing the Russia investigation,” Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the panel, told NOTUS. “She fit very much into that mold, or, you know, had the committee work together on items, but she also was not at all intimidated about asking hard and tough questions.”

Three people said it was Harris, drawing on her experience as a prosecutor, who laid out expectations for what senators and staff should be doing and how they should divvy up responsibilities. And one person said that when other senators hesitated at the possibility of authorizing certain investigative steps like interviewing Trump’s family, it was Harris who pushed them to follow every investigative thread to its conclusion. (And indeed, the GOP-led panel would end up subpoenaing Donald Trump Jr. and interviewing Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, twice.)

“They came out of there saying, ‘Wow, she fucking knows what she’s doing,’” recalled one former Democratic Senate aide whose boss was in the 2017 closed-door meeting. …”

One mystery about Harris’ time on the committee, however, remains. Was it her time on the Senate Intelligence Committee that made her famously phobic of Bluetooth headphones, as Politico reported in 2021?

In her nearly four years on the panel, Harris showed an interest in the security of digital devices. The first question she ever asked as a member of the panel was about the security of then-President-elect Donald Trump’s cell phone and Twitter account. And Bluetooth headphones have known security vulnerabilities — and spy agencies like nothing better than exploiting technological vulnerabilities.

“I don’t know if she picked that with the committee, but that is an issue. We wouldn’t use Bluetooth headphones either,” said Kerry Sutten, who served as the Democratic staff director of the committee. …”
"If Kamala Harris becomes the first woman president, her first accomplishment could well have already happened—elevating and honoring the positive side of masculinity.

Tim Walz, whose politics are to the left of most Americans and certainly most swing voters, has been welcomed not as a box-checking, progressive pick, but as a Midwestern dad who poses with his hunting dog, served for 24 years in the military, and coached the high school football team to a state championship. He’s a man’s man without being a strutting jackass. He can speak of volunteering for the national guard at age 17 and then segue to naming his first child Hope after years of infertility.

I don’t know if any of this factored into Harris’s calculations, but a good male role model is an excellent foil for the swaggering, snarling, cartoonish version of masculinity on offer from the Republican party right now."
