2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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good LORD.

it absolutely is. And it’s already happening in places like Texas, Idaho, and Missouri, with other red states proposing to follow suit. Even if someone is personally morally opposed to abortion, it is unfathomable to me that anyone who is a father, husband, grandfather, brother, uncle, etc. – or really anyone who cares about the women in their lives at all – would vote for an agenda that includes such deeply disturbing big brother type surveillance.

But then again, the people who would vote for that type of agenda were never actually conservative or about freedom and liberty in the first place.
What is trump going to do as president that makes people want to vote for him? He has no policies. Is it really just social issues?

It seems people forget he was president before and it was a shit show. The only thing he did was give trillions of dollars to the rich. I notice that nobody cares about the deficit anymore as a result.
Gentle request for a moratorium on any further discussion of HY’s presidential vote. It’s been beaten to death and is no more interesting now than it was 1000 iterations ago.
Totally agree with this. Nobody who posts on a political forum is going to have their vote changed by anyone or anything that anyone says on said political forum – myself included. I think it’s a lot more appropriate to question people on the inconsistency and irregularity in their stated beliefs and viewpoints juxtaposed with their voting preference, but as you said, repeatedly questioning the vote preference itself is simply beating a dead horse.
I live in NC not too far from the SC border.

The best way I know to show folks the value of taxes is to drive into SC and let them see how the roads immediately turn to crap as soon as you cross the state line.
My wife’s father was a truck driver. When they would make a family trip to South Carolina, she said it wouldn’t take him a mile into South Carolina before he would start muttering, “Damn South Carolina roads.”
So the first 15 minutes of Inside Politics on CNN was spent with the panel talking about why Harris “needs” to do an interview, followed by “progressive Democrats” (their words) RFK Jr and Gabbard endorsing Trump. Felt like I needed to check the channel to make sure I wasn’t on Fox.

FWIW I feel like an interview is a no-win for the Harris campaign. She’s trending way up in the polls, and no matter what she says, it’ll get twisted and used against her.
I’m not voting for Harris personally, because my vote wasn’t ever against “Biden” or “Clinton” but rather against the Democratic agenda at the national level.

I’ve never said that I’m the precise swing voter in the entire country, but I can still acknowledge that there are swing voters who think pretty similarly to me that will vote Harris over Trump but would’ve gone Trump over Biden. I’m not there myself but I see where those people are coming from.

As someone who is planning on splitting my ticket almost 50/50 this November, I do think I’m a little more in tune with some of the swing voters and fence sitters than most of the people who post here are. It’s just that I’ve already paid close attention to politics this cycle long before the “average” person tunes in, so I’ve already got my choices made in most races whereas other swing voters are still making theirs.

I do think Harris will be a lot better president the next 4 years than Biden would’ve been, so I’m happy the Democrats forced Biden out despite the fact that it harms Trump’s chances. I would rather roll the dice on a 60% Harris 40% Trump election rather than a 70% Trump 30% Biden election, because Biden was embarrassing.
Can you explain this agenda and how it can push a person to vote for trumps project 2025 agenda?

Maybe you make over $160k a year and want the tax cut? Maybe your company spends too much on safety and needs all of those OSHA requirements gone? Maybe you're happy with the government controlling women's health rights and don't see the next step is to control men's also? I guess you are not part of one of those other religions, since Christianity will become the official religion and tithing will become mandatory.

So what part of the pro labor, pro citizen, pro parent democratic agenda is it that you disagree with?
So the first 15 minutes of Inside Politics on CNN was spent with the panel talking about why Harris “needs” to do an interview, followed by “progressive Democrats” (their words) RFK Jr and Gabbard endorsing Trump. Felt like I needed to check the channel to make sure I wasn’t on Fox.

FWIW I feel like an interview is a no-win for the Harris campaign. She’s trending way up in the polls, and no matter what she says, it’ll get twisted and used against her.
Agreed. They're simply trying to pick at any nit they find, and Harris gains nothing by giving them an opportunity to do so.
What is trump going to do as president that makes people want to vote for him? He has no policies. Is it really just social issues?

It seems people forget he was president before and it was a shit show. The only thing he did was give trillions of dollars to the rich. I notice that nobody cares about the deficit anymore as a result.
His policies are clearly listed in his take us back to 1925 playbook.

1) rich get richer through tax cuts and removal of all regulation and labor protections for workers.
2) become a dictator.
3) fuck the middle class and poor people.
Totally agree. The only people who are screaming and crying about Harris needing to do “an interview” are Trump supporters and the political press. Nobody else cares.
Agree, but I would like to see her and Walz get back on the road. Feels like it’s been a while since Thursday. Hopefully this Georgia bus tour will get her back in the news this week.
So the first 15 minutes of Inside Politics on CNN was spent with the panel talking about why Harris “needs” to do an interview, followed by “progressive Democrats” (their words) RFK Jr and Gabbard endorsing Trump. Felt like I needed to check the channel to make sure I wasn’t on Fox.

FWIW I feel like an interview is a no-win for the Harris campaign. She’s trending way up in the polls, and no matter what she says, it’ll get twisted and used against her.
MSNBC is no better. Katie Tur spend about 10 minutes talking with David Jolly about Harris not doing an interview today.
I find it pretty comical all this interview stuff. Everyone knows she is going to do them. She has to do them. 60 minutes is almost de rigueur for a candidate. They all want it NOW and on their network. I want her to play it out a bit more but when she does she needs to nail it like she did her speech. The gotcha questions are all out there. She needs to craft a response to them like she did the Israel Gaza part of her speech which was about as balanced as you could be when it's a real shit show not of our making.
FWIW - polls would not capture this at all - they are designed not to call them likely voters
This is what I've been talking about when I've mentioned on this board and the old one, that the reproductive rights voters (including the two female demographics mentioned in the tweets) are being under-polled and underestimated. This is why I've said even Biden could've squeaked out a win, but especially now, the way Harris has further mobilized young women like these (beyond just the reproductive rights issue itself) will put it out of reach.

And anyone wondering who Bonier is, he heads up a left-leaning firm that owns the largest voter registration database in the country. So these numbers are dead-ass accurate.