2024 Presidential Election | 45 Days to Election Day

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What is trump going to do as president that makes people want to vote for him? He has no policies. Is it really just social issues?

It seems people forget he was president before and it was a shit show. The only thing he did was give trillions of dollars to the rich. I notice that nobody cares about the deficit anymore as a result.
As long as it hurts the lib'ruls, they couldn't care less how much it hurts themselves
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally asked the secretary of state’s office to withdraw his name from the Georgia ballot Tuesday following the suspension of his campaign.

Lolololololol omg

Every day there is something like this, that is so absolutely outlandish from a presidential candidate -- much less a FORMER PRESIDENT -- I really just can't wrap my head around how this is happening. The other day it was the ridiculousness of Trump reposting the dancing video with himself and Elon Musk. Beyond all the policy disasters, the felony conviction, the January 6th awfulness, the "stolen election" bullshit, the making fun of veterans and disabled people, the childish nicknames, the unending lies, and the general misuse of proper grammar and capitalization.... our FORMER PRESIDENT is making cartoon digital trading cards of himself and selling them for $99. And he has a shot at re-election. How did we get here?
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Every day there is something like this, that is so absolutely outlandish from a presidential candidate -- much less a FORMER PRESIDENT -- I really just can't wrap my head around how this is happening. The other day it was the ridiculousness of Trump reposting the dancing video with him and Elon Musk. Beyond all the policy disasters, the felony conviction, the January 6th awfulness, the "stolen election" bullshit, the making fun of veterans and disabled people, the childish nicknames and the unending lies.... our FORMER PRESIDENT is making cartoon digital trading cards of himself and selling them for $99. And he has a shot at re-election. How did we get here?
A lot of the racists and bigots lost their minds when Obama was elected and the queer and trans community were granted equal rights. Then the DEI stuff made them even worse because they are so scared of losing their advantage and power of just being a straight, white Christian. They want to live in their own bubble and not have to interact with anyone who is different than them. They fear anything that is different. Even though Trump was an awful President and an even worse person, they don't care because they see him as the way to get the fascist country they want now only for straight white Christian nationalists loke themselves.
Chaotic … but not what he promised to Trump. That said, if this thing goes to Congress to decide, I am sure he will claim his votes should be counted for Trump by House Members deciding who to vote for (not that the GOP co trolled states would need a reason to vote for Trump).
I find it pretty comical all this interview stuff. Everyone knows she is going to do them. She has to do them. 60 minutes is almost de rigueur for a candidate. They all want it NOW and on their network. I want her to play it out a bit more but when she does she needs to nail it like she did her speech. The gotcha questions are all out there. She needs to craft a response to them like she did the Israel Gaza part of her speech which was about as balanced as you could be when it's a real shit show not of our making.
And CNN officially has the scoop first interview this Thursday night