2024 Presidential Election | 45 Days to Election Day

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I'm not sure I've ever said this before, because I am loathe to paint with such broad brushstrokes about ~40% of my fellow Americans, but we are at a point where, if you claim that you love our country and love our troops and respect our military, then you are an enormous piece of shit for voting for this guy. I did it in 2016- even after he made his comments about John McCain- and that absolutely makes me a POS. I won't hide from accountability for that at all. I fucked up. But I've tried to spend the last 8 years making up for it and making sure it never happens again. Fuck everyone voting for this motherfucker in 2024. I lost a first cousin at Fallujah and had another badly injured outside Tikrit, and quite literally of all of the heinous things that Trump has done or said over the last 10 years or so, this stunt at Arlington is the thing that makes me the most viscerally angry.

Read this thread.

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If trump was a member of any team - college, high school, professional - he wouldn't be allowed back on any team after all the things he's done.

Imagine a player trying to play for Hubert Davis who was convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and scammed people out of money.

Why are the values of playing for a basketball team higher than being the president? And those same voters that say those players shouldn't be on the team after making mistakes, will willfully vote for the same character for a leadership position.

If I have to kick off every talented member of a team because their character, morals and values don't hold up to my standards, I would, even i f that means my team goes 0-32. But for some reason, that's not the case with Republicans running for office.
I'm not sure I've ever said this before, because I am loathe to paint with such broad brushstrokes about ~40% of my fellow Americans, but we are at a point where, if you claim that you love our country and love our troops and respect our military, then you are an enormous piece of shit for voting for this guy.

Read this thread.

We can drop all pretense at this juncture wrt Trump voters.
We can drop all pretense at this juncture wrt Trump voters.
Yeah, that's where I'm at now, finally. I've tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. Trust me, I've got a whole lot of family members who will vote for Trump if they vote at all. But at this point- and I totally understand and acknowledge that for so many people "this point" came a decade ago- but for me, personally, at this point I am probably done with the pretense. Voting for Trump in 2024 is profoundly disgusting. We don't have policy differences- we have humanity differences.
I'd love for any of our board Trumpers to read this piece- written by a combat veteran who lost troops under his command in Iraq- and let us know how you can vote for this. That's rhetorical, obviously. None of them have the fucking balls to do so.

"The rules against using images or video of Section 60 in political campaigns are there for a reason. The people who gave their lives didn’t swear an oath and give all to a party or a candidate. They swore to protect the Constitution and they sacrificed to protect this country. Their sacrifice is one of the last reminders we have that there exists an American project that is bigger than parties and tribes and campaigns, and that it’s worth fighting, dying, and even killing for. All that’s asked in return is that we don’t subject them to our politics, that we keep them in an elevated, venerated place where they belong.

If we can’t do that—if we let Section 60 become just another political weapon to use against each other—then what was all that sacrifice for?"

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Yeah, that's where I'm at now, finally. I've tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. Trust me, I've got a whole lot of family members who will vote for Trump if they vote at all. But at this point- and I totally understand and acknowledge that for so many people "this point" came a decade ago- but for me, personally, at this point I am probably done with the pretense. Voting for Trump in 2024 is profoundly disgusting. We don't have policy differences- we have humanity differences.
“we have humanity differences”

And that’s the essential point of contention. Thankfully my parents, who are dyed in the wool conservative GOP voters but are some the best intentioned people I know in this world, refuse to vote for Trump. They spared me having to spend the remainder of our time together with this “wedge” that I would’ve had to wrestle: How can you dedicate your lives to community outreach, education, religion, and then support someone who spits on every value you claim to hold?

It’s why so many families have been torn apart due to MAGA. It’s a tragedy.

But it’s a cult for those that refuse to condemn Trump, on anything, and there’s no low he can stoop to that they’ll consider unacceptable.

Reminds me of this:

“we have humanity differences”

And that’s the essential point of contention. Thankfully my parents, who are dyed in the wool conservative GOP voters but are some the best intentioned people I know in this world, refuse to vote for Trump. They spared me having to spend the remainder of our time together with this “wedge” that I would’ve had to wrestle: How can you dedicate your lives to community outreach, education, religion, and then support someone who spits on every value you claim to hold?

It’s why so many families have been torn apart due to MAGA. It’s a tragedy.

But it’s a cult for those that refuse to condemn Trump, on anything, and there’s no low he can stoop to that they’ll consider unacceptable.

Reminds me of this:

Oh My God Wow GIF by reactionseditor

I mean, when the United States Army has to issue a statement that your campaign was in flagrant violation of federal law, and that it assaulted an Army Civilian employee just doing her job, you are eminently unqualified to be the Commander-in-Chief.

Adding this to page 867 of my forthcoming book, “Can You Imagine If ANYONE Other Than Trump Did This???”
So he went to probably the most sacred ground in the entire USA, solely to dunk on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal, under the guise of paying respects. Takes photos with his signature grin and thumbs up over the grave of a fallen servicemember, and has his campaign staff strongarm civilian cemetery employees into letting them breach protocol (laws?). And then the actual US Army has to rebuke him for being an uncouth, uncultured, indecent draft-dodging oaf.

Whenever he finally dies, there'll have to be 24/7 security to keep people from doing unspeakable things to his gravesite.
In regard to the morality and basic human decency of three time Trump voters: I don't want to come across as a know-it-all or someone always thinks he's the smartest person in the room. FULL STOP. I don't know it all and pretty much get my nose rubbed in that fact everytime I read this Board. The only time I have ever been the smartest person in a room was when I walked in first and that only lasted until the second person walked in.

Okay, with that out of the way. I find myself a little less outraged at the three times a Trump voter cohort than others on this Board. I attribute this lack of outrage at the fact that I grew up in rural Eastern NC from the mid-1950's to the mid-1970's. The whole KKK thing was not something that people hid back then. It was something people were openly proud of and celebrated. Same thing for sexism. The only -ism I can remember people tip-toeing around was ageism. And that was only because everyone hoped that they would live long enough to be a candidate for agism.

All if which is to say, while I am outraged at how gullible people are to have been completely taken in by a second rate con man like Donald John Trump, Sr, I am not surprised. This lack of surprise is not due to having seen it all before. The lack of surprise is due to my shock and amazement it hasn't happened before now. The current group of Trumpers are like one of those sheep who get lost and turn up a year or two later, so burdened by their fleeces that they can barely move. And Donald Trump is like the person who finds them and shears them to the skin, not worrying at all about any nicks and cuts he inflicts in the process.

I don't doubt that the MAGA's who get fleeced by St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago are eternally grateful for that fleecing. But I do wish they would see who is profiting from the fleecing and that the only reason they are not on a spit being roasted is that St. Donald hopes to shear them again.
That departure plan got over 100,000 people out of Afghanistan in record time. Trump’s departure plan was to abandon those people.
THANK YOU!!! These folks are in almost every town in America now. Ask them what they think about Trump. I’m working with my fourth Afghan asylum seeker. They know who helped them. They also know who had no plan whatsoever to get them out of the country.

I have absolute respect for Americans who served in Afghanistan, and especially those who died there. But the Afghans who helped us are just as important, and Trump had literally zero interest in doing anything to get them out of the country.
THANK YOU!!! These folks are in almost every town in America now. Ask them what they think about Trump. I’m working with my fourth Afghan asylum seeker. They know who helped them. They also know who had no plan whatsoever to get them out of the country.

I have absolute respect for Americans who served in Afghanistan, and especially those who died there. But the Afghans who helped us are just as important, and Trump had literally zero interest in doing anything to get them out of the country.
I gave this post an upvote. I'd like to give the post you quoted an upvote, but I'm not smart enough to find it. When I was in the Army, I was never in a situation where I was faced with the decision to risk my own life to save the lives of others. I'd like to think I'm the kind of person who would do what these 13 soldiers did. But I don't know what I would have done. And hope I never find out. But these 13 deserved something better than what Donald J. Trump, Sr. did at Arlington Cemetery. Those fallen soldiers deserve better than their deaths being used as a prop for someone who would destroy what they gave their lives to protect.