2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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I hope not, because the Empire State Building is considerably taller than anything he owns.

President Trump's habit of exaggerating or misrepresenting the effects of New York City's worst terrorist attack on him personally began the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001.

As our Timothy Bella reported Tuesday, Trump was asked by New Jersey station WWOR to weigh in on the import of the attacks on the World Trade Center only a few hours after planes struck its twin towers. One of the station's reporters asked Trump whether a building he owned — 40 Wall Street, a few blocks from the site of the attacks — had suffered any damage.

"40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan,” Trump replied, “and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest. And now it’s the tallest."
This may be supremely significant.

If we assume that debate viewership was roughly representative of the voting public at large (a big assumption admittedly, but I also don't know of a reason why it would be majorly distorted), then a 70-30 split (i.e. a 40 point swing) means that a chunk of his hardcore base (the 35%) has broken away on the reproductive freedom issue.

5% / 35% = 0.143 That would seem to indicate that 14.3% OF HIS MOST HARDCORE BASE agree more with Kamala on Reproductive Freedoms that with Trump. Let that sink in.
quite a few women who i'm "friends" with on instagram and who i believe voted for trump in the past liked that taylor swift post.

losing a bunch of those types of women should really be game/set/match.
I hope not, because the Empire State Building is considerably taller than anything he owns.
At the time of 9/11 Trump was co-owner of the land underneath the building and was trying perform a hostile takeover of the lease of the building itself from the Helmsleys.

I feel like I’m waiting patiently to see the first ad featuring Donald Trump exclaiming “Their eating the dogs!”
I feel like I’m waiting patiently to see the first ad featuring Donald Trump exclaiming “Their eating the dogs!”
Well of course it would say
Illegal immigrants from Shithole countries are eating dogs-with pictures of a really Black person