1. Can you guys make up your mind about whether you like elites or hate them? I mean, you're advocating to outsource American energy policy to oil company executives. But God forbid a company do something like hire a transgender influencer. Then the executives are part of a woke mob. Sigh.
There really is no american energy policy to outsource. Price regulations went away a long time ago. There is the energy markets with many private actors. Most of the drilling and exploration is not done by the big oil companies anyway. Government regulates many things which is fine. The current administration is attempting to regulate some things not for safety but for other political reasons.
The company should be free to hire who they want and not forced to by any regulatory agency like the SEC or fund managers.The public can protest hiring transgenders and can protest not hiring them so long as the gov. says out. I don't personally and did not have a problem with bud lite
2. Do you apply this principle to other matters? Should we let industry determine the natural cut off of, say, smog? Lead in gasoline?
Of course not. These are matters of public safety. But blocking a pipeline to satisfy your partisan supporters is not appropriate or blocking a perfectly legal NG liquefaction plant both of which actually lower carbon footprints. NG replaces a lot of coal in europe and asia and pipelines are better transportation options at home
And yes some of us conservatives are ok with public roads and the fed.
Hey, maybe we should trust Wall Street to determine the natural cut off of subprime mortgage loans!
The poster to which i was responding referred to the natural cut off as to the profitability of individual oil wells and drilling areas. I hope you are not suggesting the government should take over that role.
There is probably not many industry which have so many government sponsored subsidy /funding sources. There is quite a lot of government in the housing sector, VA, FHA, Fannie, ect. All of these drove prices up by making mortgages easier to get until that demand caused a bubble. There is a lot of blame to go around in that collapse. If the gov. Is going to provide banking insurance maybe they should manage the risk of that insurance better
3. You've been challenged on this before and failed to respond. Let's see what happens now. Do you think climate change is a hoax? If you agree that climate change is happening, do you understand why drilling for more fossil fuel production is a bad thing? We need to be moving away from oil, not drilling more.
No, i think climate change may be real and a concern. Burning gas in a car is a bad thing, it is not relevant where the oil is drilled here or in the middle east. Regulate the gas if you want with a tax, don’t pretend a pipeline is the problem. Plus if we raise the cost of producing here we may just be importing stuff with a higher carbon footprint from less regulated countries. Without China making cuts nothing we do really matters but some of us will feel really good about themselves
I have a lot of work today so it may be a while or monday befor i am back here, If you want to discuss further i would appreciate if you be calm and civil unlike our previous discussions