Biden catch-all | Final Farewells

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That's not how supply and demand works. If US companies pull more LNG out of the ground, that increases supply, which barring an increase in demand, actually drives prices down.

Liquefaction is the only way to export NG. More exports lowers domestic supply and raises prices here, you missed the point. Look at the price of NG over the last decade. There is no such thing as LNG coming from the ground.

You have to build the plant to do the liquefaction, so of course without plants you can not export. It is a non exportable gas otherwise, canada and mexico excepted
The EIA explains how rising demand for exports means domestic gas prices are predicted to rise 33% from a four-year low in 2024 to a three-year high in 2025, “mainly because of increased liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports,” Bank of America analysts said in a statement, according to Reuters.Nov 26, 2024
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I think Biden got so caught up, trying to be president that he forgot that we really just elected him to keep Trump out of the White House. They did not come prepared to finish the job.
I'm a Biden supporter, but this ERA Amendment stuff is nonsense. This is from the playbook that the MAGA clowns use...
My understanding is that his declaration on the ERA has no legal weight and doesn't purport to add the amendment to the Constitution.

I'm not crazy about it, but it puts the issue into the national conversation and at worst is a minor parting shot at the next administration
One of the dumbest official statements ever put out by a President. Noon on Monday can’t get here quick enough.
And many on here agree with this type of fascism because it is their guy....

The argument that the state ratifications were not done in time relies on a position the deadline itself is constitutional. It was not part of the Amendment itself and thus has no effect. ERA supporters have been unsuccessful in their efforts to get the deadline lifted or declared unconstitutional for a while now, but it is an ongoing fight in large part because supporters see it as a backdoor to reinstate abortion rights. The court shoehorned Roe into privacy. The ERA supporters would argue that the ERA would create a different path with an amendment specifically barring discrimination on the basis of gender. Thus laws restricting reproductive rights that only apply to women would violate that Amendment. Not sure that passes muster with the current black robe crowd, but hope springs eternal.
The argument that the state ratifications were not done in time relies on a position the deadline itself is constitutional. It was not part of the Amendment itself and thus has no effect. ERA supporters have been unsuccessful in their efforts to get the deadline lifted or declared unconstitutional for a while now, but it is an ongoing fight in large part because supporters see it as a backdoor to reinstate abortion rights. The court shoehorned Roe into privacy. The ERA supporters would argue that the ERA would create a different path with an amendment specifically barring discrimination on the basis of gender. Thus laws restricting reproductive rights that only apply to women would violate that Amendment. Not sure that passes muster with the current black robe crowd, but hope springs eternal.
Biden’s statement for reference:

I guess this would fall under the left's favorite word "fascism!"

But... i guess when it is their team doing it they consider if great for the country!

I mean, poke the bear enough times and he’s gonna turn on your MAGA ass. Deal with it.

An American tragedy: how Biden paved the way for Trump’s White House return​

“… When Biden departs Washington on Monday at the culmination of a career spanning more than half a century as senator, vice-president and president, the old maxim that all political lives end in failure will hover over him. He will be 82, the oldest president in US history and the first great-grandfather to hold the office. Democrats will long agonise over why his age and fitness for office did not become a political emergency until it was too late.

It is easy to forget now the malaise that Biden inherited. In that inaugural address in January 2021, he spoke of four crises: the coronavirus pandemic, climate, economy and racial justice. Standing on the spot where just two weeks earlier a pro-Trump mob had sought to overturn his election win, Biden also promised to restore the soul of America.

… But he struggled to communicate his successes to the public or reap credit for them.

While Trump continued to dominate the public imagination, Biden’s empathy and ability to connect with voters seemed to desert him. He failed to convey a sense of urgency in handling the southern border with Mexico as illegal border crossings rose and were hyped by rightwing media.

Bill Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution thinktank in Washington DC, added: “The administration for reasons that I can understand but still regret lost touch with the actual feelings of the people. While the administration was talking about Bidenomics in glowing terms, people were up in arms about the high prices for basics.

“It’s bad politically when you’re seen to be worse than wrong, namely out of touch. In the area of prices and also immigration the administration conveyed the impression of believing its own talking points and being out of touch with experiences that millions of Americans were having. The party paid a big price for that. …”

“… Dean Phillips, a Minnesota congressman, announced that he would challenge Biden in the party primary, citing poll numbers and the president’s age as reasons to pass on the torch to a new generation. He told the Washington Post newspaper: “We’re at grave risk of another Trump presidency. I’m doing this to prevent a return of Donald Trump to the White House.”

In public, Phillips was ridiculed. In private, others shared his concerns. Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, recalled receiving a call from a Democratic senator in late January or early February 2024.

“I said, ‘Is there any particular reason why you called me? I’d like to know.’ He said, ‘You do realise, off the record, that Joe Biden is not going to be our nominee?’ I was stunned. I said, ‘What, how, why?’ He said, ‘I just was at a meeting with him with several other senators and he couldn’t even function. We can’t run him.’

Sabato added that the senator in question tried to raise the issue, which angered the White House. “He was punished, as several of them were. They gave him the cold shoulder for a while. The point is that a lot of people had figured it out but they didn’t care. I’m stunned that they got away with it and have produced term two for Trump and it’s going to be the longest four years of our life.”

The administration continued to play down concerns about Biden’s age and gave short shrift to any journalist who dared raise it. No source interviewed by the Guardian perceived a deliberate conspiracy but more likely a case of collective wishful thinking in a fast-paced work environment that leaves little room for perspective. …”
Everybody and everything is exactly where they need to be to get where they’re going.
Everyone. No exclusions.
The U.S.; Other Nations; Cockroaches; Alligators; Rats; Trumpers… and d00kies. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself after rats…)
Everybody and everything is exactly where they need to be to get where they’re going.
Everyone. No exclusions.
The U.S.; Other Nations; Cockroaches; Alligators; Rats; Trumpers… and d00kies. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself after rats…)
Kristen Wiig Dancing GIF

“… Dean Phillips, a Minnesota congressman, announced that he would challenge Biden in the party primary, citing poll numbers and the president’s age as reasons to pass on the torch to a new generation. He told the Washington Post newspaper: “We’re at grave risk of another Trump presidency. I’m doing this to prevent a return of Donald Trump to the White House.”

In public, Phillips was ridiculed. In private, others shared his concerns. Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, recalled receiving a call from a Democratic senator in late January or early February 2024.

“I said, ‘Is there any particular reason why you called me? I’d like to know.’ He said, ‘You do realise, off the record, that Joe Biden is not going to be our nominee?’ I was stunned. I said, ‘What, how, why?’ He said, ‘I just was at a meeting with him with several other senators and he couldn’t even function. We can’t run him.’

Sabato added that the senator in question tried to raise the issue, which angered the White House. “He was punished, as several of them were. They gave him the cold shoulder for a while. The point is that a lot of people had figured it out but they didn’t care. I’m stunned that they got away with it and have produced term two for Trump and it’s going to be the longest four years of our life.”

The administration continued to play down concerns about Biden’s age and gave short shrift to any journalist who dared raise it. No source interviewed by the Guardian perceived a deliberate conspiracy but more likely a case of collective wishful thinking in a fast-paced work environment that leaves little room for perspective. …”
The way this was handled was pure fascism. The irony is lost on many here.