Biden pardons | BIDEN ISSUES PREEMPTIVE PARDONS - Family, Fauci, J6 Committee, Others

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  • Politics 
Is Trump not technically a felon until he is sentenced, which he has not been in the NYC case.
Since this has been posted and debunked on this forum several times already, could you tell us where it's coming from? Because it's such a nonsensical statement that it's hard to imagine it's coming from anywhere except the deepest fever swamps of the right wing infosphere.
What if a verdict of guilt has yet to be entered by the Judge. I guess it has? There was a time after the verdict he had not
I suspect the reference was to the Ramrouser cat.
I have to admit that it wasn't. I removed that part as I was a bit out of line. Please accept my apologies, lawtig.

I am getting a bit emotional as we are heading towards full on fascism and people are worrying about a pardon which means nothing to the greater rule of law.

I fully believe that Trump has or will begin a process of promising pardons in advance now that SCOTUS has pretty much given him authority to do so. If we go there, that will be a real abuse of power which will result in authoritarianism.

I know that is speculation. What isn't speculation is the use of pardons to obstruct ongoing investigations into the administration.

If I were in Trump's crosshairs, I'd stay the hell out of DC.
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Brother, nobody actually cares about the rule of law anymore. You don't, I don't, the American voters don't. Quit whatever this pathetic posturing is.

If I cared about the rule of law, I wouldn't harbor such little give-a-damn about Biden's pardon of his son, even though I vehemently disagree with it in principle. If you care about the rule of law, you wouldn't have voted for someone who is a convicted felon. If the American voters cared about the rule of law, 75 million of them wouldn't have voted for someone who has defied the rules of law at every turn in his adult life.

We are in a post-truth, post-"rule of law" era in our country and you are just as guilty of enabling it as I am, or as the Democrats are, or as any of the other 75 million voters who voted for it.
Bullshit. I believe (and I think there are millions like me) with my entire being that trump has broken laws and gained advantages the average person would have been prosecuted for and wouldn't have had the privilege to gain those advantages. I also believe just as much that the same is true for biden. This country was faced with maybe the worst choice of candidates it has ever had to choose from. From a used car salesman who grabs women by the pussy to an influence peddler with dementia, to an absolute idiot who fell out of a coconut tree and who wasn't democratically chosen to run. Rule of law didn't apply in this election because the country was not offered a virtuous choice and the direction of the country superseded it. I just wasn't among the majority of this board acting holier than thou and pretending that my side wasn't as guilty and looking down on others calling them all kinds of nasty names and hurling insults. Yes, you did participate in that name calling and pretending the left offered more virtue. This board is finding out just how politically wrong they were and how out of touch with mainstream America it is, and also how your side is no different with respect to rule of law. For you to point to the trump voters as those not voting for the rule of law is pure hypocrisy as evidenced by hunter's pardon. 75 million voters do care about the rule of law. They just have more clarity than the voters on this board because they saw the same perversion of the rule of law on the left and voted based on the direction of the country. The left ran an entire potus election being nothing more than hypocrites. "Rule of law" was a theme of this election. It was parroted by your celebrity influencers and media. It was used in the two debates by your candidates. And in the stroke of a pen, the left, this board, and anyone who denounced trump voters as not being concerned about the rule of law has had their hypocrisy exposed. Of course, lawtig, wmheel, and a couple of others had the guts to call it what it is.
Think it was on the old ZZL politics board but I told everyone he was going to pardon Hunter despite him repeatedly saying he'd never pardon him. There's no reason for him not to. Especially now. His party showed him just how much loyalty it has to him so why should he be loyal to his party over his family?
So you claim to care about the rule of law but you voted for Trump. Hypocrite.
Please tell me where I have made that a theme of mine. Where did I show hypocrisy regarding the rule of law? My comments have been completely about the left's attacking trump's voters about their lack of care about the rule of law and then excusing hunter's pardon through Bosiding about trump. No, this is all about this board's hypocrisy of justifying it because of TDS and then getting butthurt when called out on it.
Bullshit. I believe (and I think there are millions like me) with my entire being that trump has broken laws and gained advantages the average person would have been prosecuted for and wouldn't have had the privilege to gain those advantages. I also believe just as much that the same is true for biden. This country was faced with maybe the worst choice of candidates it has ever had to choose from. From a used car salesman who grabs women by the pussy to an influence peddler with dementia, to an absolute idiot who fell out of a coconut tree and who wasn't democratically chosen to run. Rule of law didn't apply in this election because the country was not offered a virtuous choice and the direction of the country superseded it. I just wasn't among the majority of this board acting holier than thou and pretending that my side wasn't as guilty and looking down on others calling them all kinds of nasty names and hurling insults. Yes, you did participate in that name calling and pretending the left offered more virtue. This board is finding out just how politically wrong they were and how out of touch with mainstream America it is, and also how your side is no different with respect to rule of law. For you to point to the trump voters as those not voting for the rule of law is pure hypocrisy as evidenced by hunter's pardon. 75 million voters do care about the rule of law. They just have more clarity than the voters on this board because they saw the same perversion of the rule of law on the left and voted based on the direction of the country. The left ran an entire potus election being nothing more than hypocrites. "Rule of law" was a theme of this election. It was parroted by your celebrity influencers and media. It was used in the two debates by your candidates. And in the stroke of a pen, the left, this board, and anyone who denounced trump voters as not being concerned about the rule of law has had their hypocrisy exposed. Of course, lawtig, wmheel, and a couple of others had the guts to call it what it is.
Hahahahaha you are so full of fucking shit, hoss. You and 75 million people just voted for someone with felony convictions. Get the ever loving goddamn fuck out of here acting like you care about the rule of law. You and those 75 million people care about winning and nothing else. And you know what? That's fine! Just say that! Why are you dancing around it? I sure as hell have no problem admitting that about myself- I've said it many times. I want to win, I don't really care how it has to happen (within reason). But quit humiliating yourself with this fake ass piety and pearl clutching. You know you don't care- you're way more interested in trying to antagonize people on this forum because you feel personally victimized by several posters through the years (which is weird as fuck in and of itself, but to each their own). You are bizarrely fixated upon "this board" for some strange reason.
Is Trump not technically a felon until he is sentenced, which he has not been in the NYC case.
I believe that is correct. I don't think you are convicted until sentence is passed but i'm sure there are attorneys here who can provide more certainty.
Hahahahaha you are so full of fucking shit, hoss. You and 75 million people just voted for someone with felony convictions. Get the ever loving goddamn fuck out of here acting like you care about the rule of law. You and those 75 million people care about winning and nothing else. And you know what? That's fine! Just say that! Why are you dancing around it? I sure as hell have no problem admitting that about myself- I've said it many times. I want to win, I don't really care how it has to happen (within reason). But quit humiliating yourself with this fake ass piety and pearl clutching. You know you don't care- you're way more interested in trying to antagonize people on this forum because you feel personally victimized by several posters through the years (which is weird as fuck in and of itself, but to each their own)/.
Again, please tell me where I have made rule of law a point of any argument I have made. You are making shit up. I'm not pearl clutching, I'm highlighting hypocrisy. Trying to antagonize? Not at all. Calling people out who are all to willing to call conservatives out and hurl insults. Yes. Are they antagonized by that? Not if they aren't hypocrites and argue in good faith. How much of a snowflake do you have to be to dish it out and then cry like a little bitch when your hypocrisy is laid bare for all to see (not saying you personally as I don't think you care)
Since this has been posted and debunked on this forum several times already, could you tell us where it's coming from? Because it's such a nonsensical statement that it's hard to imagine it's coming from anywhere except the deepest fever swamps of the right wing infosphere.
That's a good question. I had heard the sentence had to be passed.
Bullshit. I believe (and I think there are millions like me) with my entire being that trump has broken laws and gained advantages the average person would have been prosecuted for and wouldn't have had the privilege to gain those advantages. I also believe just as much that the same is true for biden. This country was faced with maybe the worst choice of candidates it has ever had to choose from. From a used car salesman who grabs women by the pussy to an influence peddler with dementia, to an absolute idiot who fell out of a coconut tree and who wasn't democratically chosen to run. Rule of law didn't apply in this election because the country was not offered a virtuous choice and the direction of the country superseded it. I just wasn't among the majority of this board acting holier than thou and pretending that my side wasn't as guilty and looking down on others calling them all kinds of nasty names and hurling insults. Yes, you did participate in that name calling and pretending the left offered more virtue. This board is finding out just how politically wrong they were and how out of touch with mainstream America it is, and also how your side is no different with respect to rule of law. For you to point to the trump voters as those not voting for the rule of law is pure hypocrisy as evidenced by hunter's pardon. 75 million voters do care about the rule of law. They just have more clarity than the voters on this board because they saw the same perversion of the rule of law on the left and voted based on the direction of the country. The left ran an entire potus election being nothing more than hypocrites. "Rule of law" was a theme of this election. It was parroted by your celebrity influencers and media. It was used in the two debates by your candidates. And in the stroke of a pen, the left, this board, and anyone who denounced trump voters as not being concerned about the rule of law has had their hypocrisy exposed. Of course, lawtig, wmheel, and a couple of others had the guts to call it what it is.
Not all of what you say is wrong but I will just specifically note that the idea that there is the "same perversion of the rule of law on the left" compared to Trump and his cronies is laughable. I've already expressed my personal opinion that the Hunter pardon is a bad thing and a bad look, but it would probably barely rate in the top 100 acts of Trump's personal disrespect for and erosion of the rule of law. It is absolutely not helpful to Dems' case on the "rule of law" when their own side engages in some self-help via pardon, but any person who really believes that there is no difference between Trump and Biden/Harris when it comes to respect for the rule of law is either a fool or simply has been drowned in propaganda from right-wing media. (Including because the idea of Biden as a master "influence peddler" is based more on fiction than fact.)
Please tell me where I have made that a theme of mine. Where did I show hypocrisy regarding the rule of law? My comments have been completely about the left's attacking trump's voters about their lack of care about the rule of law and then excusing hunter's pardon through Bosiding about trump. No, this is all about this board's hypocrisy of justifying it because of TDS and then getting butthurt when called out on it.
oh, okay then.
You called me a hypocrite (even though my post was obviously a parody of MAGAs), so I assume you have evidence of me claiming that my reason for voting for Harris or Biden was due to “rule of law.”
I’ll wait for it.
Again, please tell me where I have made rule of law a point of any argument I have made. You are making shit up. I'm not pearl clutching, I'm highlighting hypocrisy. Trying to antagonize? Not at all. Calling people out who are all to willing to call conservatives out and hurl insults. Yes. Are they antagonized by that? Not if they aren't hypocrites and argue in good faith. How much of a snowflake do you have to be to dish it out and then cry like a little bitch when your hypocrisy is laid bare for all to see (not saying you personally as I don't think you care)
You are absolutely correct- I don't care in the slightest.

And you most definitely have made the point over the months and years that you vote Republican because you believe in the rule of law and because you believe that the Republican Party is the party that upholds it. Very difficult to take your consternation seriously when you just voted for a felon. (It also makes you the h-word that you keep calling other posters!). No idea how you can square a vote for a felon with giving credence to caring about rule of law. Oh, sure, sure, I know you'll say that you had no choice because of inflation or immigration or Kamala Harris' weird laugh or whatever. I hear you. But just recognize that by voting for a felon, you and 75 million other people have permanently forfeited the right to claim that you care oh so deeply about "rule of law." And that's fine! Just say that you only care about winning, not being piously righteous about some notion of "rule of law."
If it is legally within the President's discretion and prerogative to issue a pardon, how is this an abuse of power? Some may find it distasteful, as surely we have found and will find many of Trump's pardons distasteful, but how is it an abuse of power by a President to execute what is legally within his prerogative. Perhaps I'm not understanding what is meant by "abuse" here. Given SCOTUS's presidential immunity ruling, I think we're fixin to find out just how distasteful the exercise of Presidential prerogative can be...
If it is legally within the President's discretion and prerogative to issue a pardon, how is this an abuse of power? Some may find it distasteful, as surely we have found and will find many of Trump's pardons distasteful, but how is it an abuse of power by a President to execute what is legally within his prerogative. Perhaps I'm not understanding what is meant by "abuse" here. Given SCOTUS's presidential immunity ruling, I think we're fixin to find out just how distasteful the exercise of Presidential prerogative can be...
It's the nepotism. You sure don't see any relatives or cronies getting pardons or positions or special favors under Trump.
If it is legally within the President's discretion and prerogative to issue a pardon, how is this an abuse of power? Some may find it distasteful, as surely we have found and will find many of Trump's pardons distasteful, but how is it an abuse of power by a President to execute what is legally within his prerogative. Perhaps I'm not understanding what is meant by "abuse" here. Given SCOTUS's presidential immunity ruling, I think we're fixin to find out just how distasteful the exercise of Presidential prerogative can be...
I don't mean to speak for super but I think that's what he's getting at when he says this is not really about rule of law. And I agree with that as it relates to the legal parameters of the pardon power. I personally detest those parameters and think the power should be far, far narrower if it exists at all, but I'm not saying Biden lacked the power to issue this pardon.

I see it as an abuse of power because a president entrusted with as much power as we have given to ours still owes a duty to the nation to exercise it responsibly. There are a whole bunch of things a president can do that are legal but are not at all responsible or in the best interest of the country. I consider that to be an abuse of his power. And abuse of the pardon power is particularly egregious to me because it implicates the legal process, which is at the core of our rule of law. So in short, I don't think Biden did anything illegal here, but I do think he abused the power given to him, and his exercise of that power in this instance undermined the rule of law. That's why I'm so angry and disappointed about it. I expect that from Trump. I don't expect it from a Democrat.
oh, okay then.
You called me a hypocrite (even though my post was obviously a parody of MAGAs), so I assume you have evidence of me claiming that my reason for voting for Harris or Biden was due to “rule of law.”
I’ll wait for it.
I didn't take your comments as parody so if I misinterpreted them then you have my apology and retraction.
I didn't take your comments as parody so if I misinterpreted them then you have my apology and retraction.
But according to your own rules about lobbying the “hypocrite” moniker, the person using the word must have evidence of the poster being a hypocrite.
So, do you or don’t you have evidence of me claiming the “rule of law,” is why I voted for Biden or Harris?

I’ll make it easy for you…as others pointed out, the pardon isn’t about “rule of law,” anyway. It’s about abuse of the pardon power. And I have never posted anything one way or another about a president’s pardons - Trump, Obama, Bush, or anyone else.