Covid Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter tonman
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Signed up for Flu and Covid (new) for tomorrow. Thank you. Only had Covid once (June 2000) and that was after I had been vaccinated. The extent of my symptoms were: One night, I sweated through four t-shirts. If the vaccine limited my symptoms to that, then it worked as far as I am concerned.
Can you recheck your dates, please? 😀
Can you recheck your dates, please? 😀
Checked the dates and realized that I had inadvertently disclosed the super top secret program to vaccinate the top Democratic donors with a vaccine that didn't rewrite people's DNA to make the more complaint to the plots, plans and machinations of the Overlords. Ordinarily, I would just pretend it was an a typo or I just got the year wrong. But at this late date, it really doesn't matter if I let the cat out of the bag. Just remember "Vote Harris!" and everything will be alright.

Wegovy, the popular obesity drug, may have yet another surprising benefit. In a large clinical trial, people taking the drug during the pandemic were less likely to die of Covid-19, researchers reported on Friday.

People on Wegovy still got Covid, and at the same rate as people randomly assigned to take a placebo. But their chances of dying from the infection plunged by 33 percent, the study found. And the protective effect occurred immediately — before participants had lost significant amounts of weight.

In addition, the death rate from all causes was lower among subjects taking Wegovy, a very rare finding in clinical trials of new treatments. The result suggests that lower life expectancy among people with obesity is actually caused by the disease itself, and that it can be improved by treating obesity.

“Stunning,” Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency room physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who wrote an editorial accompanying the study, said of the data. The study was published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
My daughter just tested assuredly positive. Now the horrible wait till it gets the rest of us.
My daughter just tested assuredly positive. Now the horrible wait till it gets the rest of us.
Ugh I think I feel it setting in. Head starting too hurt. Energy levels falling. Awareness of my swallowing (not scratchy or sore yet, just the throat nerves seem to be firing more,) a general malaise.
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Altmin, if you test positive, call your doc and get Paxlovid (anti-viral for covid). It may have been coincidental, but after feeling awful for 2.5 days, I started feeling better after just my first twice daily dose. Supposed to take for 5 days.

Good luck to you and your family. I had it about a month ago.
I was sure I had Covid, wasn't struggling to breath but there was a definite wheezing when I took a deep breath, on the inhale and exhale. Tested Saturday, came up negative. Wheezing was even more pronounced yesterday so I went to the doc in the box and they covid tested again, again came up negative. Doc said he thought it was brochitis (ain't nobody got time for that). Prescribed an antibiotic (although I thought bronchitis was viral) and I took a couple yesterday and felt a lot better this morning. Not sure I can recall ever having bronchitis before...