Crime rates are cooling

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As always, still more to be done but the raised violent behavior of the pandemic seems to be losing its grip.

Homicides in U.S. Continue to Fall from Pandemic Highs​

An analysis by the Council on Criminal Justice cautions that progress has been uneven, with the trend being driven by declines in a handful of big cities.
The sharp decline began in 2023, with one of the largest yearly drops in homicides, and the decrease has continued over the first six months of this year, the council found in its analysis, which is based on about three dozen cities.

Of the dozen crime categories analyzed, only one showed an increase in the first half of this year: shoplifting. The surge in reported shoplifting — it was up 24 percent over the first half of the year in the 23 cities for which the council was able to obtain data — comes amid debates around the country, especially in California, about what to do about retail theft.

The analysis cautioned that more investigation was needed to determine how much of the recorded increase reflected a rise in actual shoplifting, and whether any of it was driven by retailers being more likely to report the crime. …”
As always, still more to be done but the raised violent behavior of the pandemic seems to be losing its grip.

Homicides in U.S. Continue to Fall from Pandemic Highs​

An analysis by the Council on Criminal Justice cautions that progress has been uneven, with the trend being driven by declines in a handful of big cities.

These stats are rigged In sanctuary cities they don't count the hundreds of murders and rapes that "aliens" commit
Overall, across the cities included in the report, there were 2 percent fewer homicides compared with the same time period in 2019, just before the pandemic. Robberies, aggravated assaults and domestic violence were also down over the same period.

The council began tracking crime trends during the pandemic to fill a gap it saw in timely national crime data collection. The F.B.I. has typically reported full-year data with a long time lag, but this year, for the first time, the agency issued a report for the first quarter, which also showed double-digit declines in violent crime.

The council’s report is limited to about three dozen cities whose police agencies reliably report monthly figures. Among the places included in the report are large cities like Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and smaller cities like Rochester, N.Y., Syracuse, N.Y., and Chandler, Ariz.

“That unfortunately makes our sample size small,” Mr. Gelb said. “It’s not that we wouldn’t want 80 cities, or 800 cities for that matter. The reason why we’re in this range of three dozen plus or minus cities is that that’s who’s posting data.” …”