"Day of Hate" --Not To Be Ever Forgotten

  • Thread starter Thread starter an0maly
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Exceptional Member
I think this deserves a thread, and mostly for the short documentary I link below. Also because until it becomes impossible, I will continue to remind people of 1/6/21, and I will not stop. I wish we had easy access to the epic thread then on the old ZZLP. The fears I felt that day are not gone at all. The video is a portrait of the people now in power, and to some extent the people who voted for those in power. There will always be some debate as to what that extent was, what it is, and how it might even grow. I am not entertaining much thought about our current political forces in action, as I stated in my own thread recently. But I will not allow any "Ministry of Truth" to control the past just by being the ones who control the present--and hopefully not the future.

All Trump voters and everyone else who didn't should take the time to watch this:

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Everyone who voted for Trump supports this crap, and that's why it's just not politics, and why someone like Trump should have never been President. This country is screwed if there are more people that think it's ok for a person like Trump to be elected than those who know he has no business being President. You can't just separate the person from the politics and say you voted for Trump because of the policies and not him as a person when it comes to someone like Trump who is a narcissist, pathological liar, sociopath, crook, fraud, and horrible person. The policies are not more important than the person when it comes to someone like this. Unfortunately, there are still too many racist, bigots and Christian nationalists in this country that care more about having a country only for them and will vote for someone like Trump to try and get the fascist nation they want.
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I think this deserves a thread, and mostly for the short documentary I link below. Also because until it becomes impossible, I will continue to remind people of 1/6/21, and I will not stop. I wish we had easy access to the epic thread then on the old ZZLP. The fears I felt that day are not gone at all.
Here you go [not sure if this board's rules allow me to link to it so if it gets nuked, you can go there and it is on Page 13 of the dead board]