I don't think so. It's that I don't see that making policy decisions on worst case scenarios is necessarily the best approach.
In a sense, it's like buying nuclear war insurance. There's very little the Dems can do to stop Trump if he really wants to start WWIII. You might be right to fear it, but I don't know that it should change what you do. Trump can ruin the whole country. Maybe even the world. That's just the reality, and jumping up and down won't change that.
Dems cannot do anything except a) sue; or b) block legislation until they get control of one or more chambers. Rallying the troops means nothing. These MAGA assholes aren't looking at the polls right now. They don't fucking care. They probably know they are going to get their clocks cleaned in 26 which is why they are trying to go all in now. Delay, delay, delay is a good strategy.