Election legal battles & fraud claims | Trump new “CEASE AND DESIST” voter fraud threat

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Isn't DeJoy a Trump appointee and isn't he a huge screw up?
Yes and yes.

It's just astounding that Trump has so little memory of his presidency. Like, he seems to have no idea what he did or didn't do. Part of that is his usual bluster, but I see a deeper confusion underneath. I mean, people don't remember what they don't care about, and we know how much Trump cares for the actual job of being president. Still, I would think he would remember a few things here or there.

“… The group – which includes elections officials from at least five counties – calls itself the Georgia Election Integrity Coalition.

The communications also show members of the group coordinating on messaging regarding their false claims of widespread voter fraud. Ahead of a December meeting of the group, Adams, using her TeaPartyPatriots.org email address, sent an agenda that included an item about a “New York Times reporter traveling to several counties in Georgia”. Another agenda noted that the Federalist, a rightwing publication, was seeking “freelance writers (no experience needed)”.

The group has heard from speakers at their meetings that include the state election board member Dr Janice Johnston, an election denier who smiled and waved to the crowd at Trump’s 3 August rally in Atlanta in which he praised her and two other Republicans on the board as “pit bulls” “fighting for victory”. One agenda also noted that Frank Schneider, an election denial activist who has challenged the eligibility of more than 31,000 Georgia voters, would speak at a meeting. Other speakers at the group’s meetings include Garland Favorito, perhaps the state’s most prominent election denial activist who constantly pressures the state election board to launch investigations into supposed election fraud as well as to implement policies and rules he and others frequently submit. (In a separate release of emails obtained by the Guardian, Favorito is seen scheduling a July lunch with the state election board’s chair, John Fervier, a moderate Republican who has voted against recent denier-based rules passed by his Republican colleagues.) …”