Election night rituals

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I realize that Trump may have modified some peoples' habits. Maybe there's prayer, wearing a "lucky" piece of clothing, sacrificing of small animals, etc.

Election night was mostly a non-event until Trump. My wife didn't care about politics, so we would occasionally flip to a local channel to check on the presidential race, local races, any props that we had interest in and see how the local school bond override was doing (she's a teacher).

Trump changed all of that. She's obsessed with election night (because she HATES Trump)and we both like the older CNN guy that has all the good info.

We both vote after work, I stop and get pizza/takeout and a sufficient amount of beer, turn on CNN as soon as we get into the house and settle in for 4-5 hours.... sometimes longer (Pacific time zone on Tuesday).
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Picked up a bottle of bourbon last night. I’ll open it about 5:00 on Tuesday, and how much of it is gone on Wednesday morning will be determined by the results.

I’m already taking off work Wednesday.
Picked up a bottle of bourbon last night. I’ll open it about 5:00 on Tuesday, and how much of it is gone on Wednesday morning will be determined by the results.

I’m already taking off work Wednesday.
1/2 gallon of vodka for me and will drink until a victor is declared or until the 1/gallon is empty whichever comes first...
Basically, we will put the kids to bed and stay up and watch some returns, but still go to bed about the same time, like 10:30. I'm not losing sleep over it.
I probably need to take off Wednesday as well. I stayed up til about 3:00 AM last time and was a zombie at work.
I will be wired and stay up too late.

Unless she wins North Carolina and Georgia easily, we won't know that night.