FBI says Trump struck by bullet or its fragment; Assassination Attempt Investigations

Do you know what would clear up all of this speculation really quickly and definitively? Releasing the medical report! Until or unless that happens I am going to have no choice but to believe the Trump appointed Director of the FBI, whose assessment is that shrapnel is just as likely to be the cause of the ear injury as an actual bullet.
Well, one problem is that if Ronny Jackson actually treated Trump's ear, then he was practicing medicine without a license and would get into trouble. I doubt that's why Trump isn't releasing it, but in any event . . .
Without medical evidence, which the Trump campaign refuses to provide, the NYT's "forensic analysis" indicates he was hit by a bullet.
John Candy Reaction GIF

Actually, the forensic analysis is impressive and well done. I read the article. I don't know if it fully convinces me, but it's a strong argument.

Go to 7 minutes for the HiRes version video

If you watch the whole video, it demonstrates two things:

1. If the bullet just barely grazed the ear, the ear could be only slightly damaged. Their first shot demonstrated this (by accident) and one could envision a scenario where the bullet made even less contact than the one in their demo.
2. If the bullet hit where the cut exists on Trump's ear, it would have obliterated the ear.

I suppose it is possible that the bullet grazed the very edge of the ear and he had glass shrapnel in his ear but that seems improbable.

Trump and his campaign are going way, way, way overboard with this. It is so transparently clear now at this point that they are lying their ass off.

Trump and his campaign are going way, way, way overboard with this. It is so transparently clear now at this point that they are lying their ass off.

Ronny Jackson is apparently begging for a medical board to look into his behavior here. He's not wrong -- I very much doubt any action would be taken against him in this case because the costs would be way higher than any benefit. But still, dude. You have no medical license. You screwed up. Stop trying to be a doctor!
(Just made this same post at the ZZL a few min ago)

Unpopular opinion: does it matter whether it was a bullet or shrapnel? Can we all just agree some crazy kid took a few shots at him? And yes, although I can't stand the guy or anything he supports, I'm glad he wasn't killed.

If it's proven that he was actually grazed by a bullet, then what really changes?

If it's proven that he wasn't, then what really changes there either? Trump lied about yet another event in order to evoke a fevered response from a base which he already owns outright anyway and all of whom would happily follow him out of a plane without a parachute or off a cliff? No duh.

Marge Greene is even saying she saw an angel push the bullet out of the way. What the hell do you do with that?

Unless I'm missing something here, it seems like a mountain out of a molehill that's not going to affect much in November, much less how anyone already sees Trump.
Lol! Let Trump spend all his time trying to convince everyone he’s a gun violence survivor while Kamala Harris spends her time making her case to the American people about her vision for our future.

This is all working out brilliantly.
I’m not bullshitting you but stuff like this drives me up the damn wall. Who the f cares about what hit Trump whether it was a bullet or not? He clearly was shot at. To me - this comes off as the loon right starting to drift into the left and it’s concerning to me. I have some pretty wackos in my family that love Trump and they are always saying “did you hear…”. stfu. No, I didn’t hear about your nonsense and why are you like you are?
(Just made this same post at the ZZL a few min ago)

Unpopular opinion: does it matter whether it was a bullet or shrapnel? Can we all just agree some crazy kid took a few shots at him? And yes, although I can't stand the guy or anything he supports, I'm glad he wasn't killed.

If it's proven that he was actually grazed by a bullet, then what really changes?

If it's proven that he wasn't, then what really changes there either? Trump lied about yet another event in order to evoke a fevered response from a base which he already owns outright anyway and all of whom would happily follow him out of a plane without a parachute or off a cliff? No duh.

Marge Greene is even saying she saw an angel push the bullet out of the way. What the hell do you do with that?

Unless I'm missing something here, it seems like a mountain out of a molehill that's not going to affect much in November, much less how anyone already sees Trump.
I posted similar sentiments over at IC before we got the news we weren't wanted.

Trump has nudged me toward caring a little with his "taking a bullet for democracy" line but I still tend to think this is mostly a losing argument.

To be clear, it seems to me that like most people who narrowly missed being a head shot in an assassination attempt would still be asked about it and talk about it.
I’m not bullshitting you but stuff like this drives me up the damn wall. Who the f cares about what hit Trump whether it was a bullet or not? He clearly was shot at. To me - this comes off as the loon right starting to drift into the left and it’s concerning to me. I have some pretty wackos in my family that love Trump and they are always saying “did you hear…”. stfu. No, I didn’t hear about your nonsense and why are you like you are?
It matters because the possible next President of the United States of America, leader of the Free World and commander of the most potent nuclear weapons stockpile in the world, had an attempt made on his life and "we the people" have not seen or heard a medical report, statements from at attending physician, psychological evaluation post-shooting, etc. We need to know whether or not it was a bullet that hit him, and if so, what kind of possible post traumatic stress implications might out next Commander in Chief have as a result.
It matters because the possible next President of the United States of America, leader of the Free World and commander of the most potent nuclear weapons stockpile in the world, had an attempt made on his life and "we the people" have not seen or heard a medical report, statements from at attending physician, psychological evaluation post-shooting, etc. We need to know whether or not it was a bullet that hit him, and if so, what kind of possible post traumatic stress implications might out next Commander in Chief have as a result.
The guy is an egomaniac. We don’t really need to know. Again - this is a stupid distraction that comes off conspiratory.
The guy is an egomaniac. We don’t really need to know. Again - this is a stupid distraction that comes off conspiratory.
No, no, no. Absolutely not. Let's be very, very clear. There is NOTHING conspiratorial about wanting to know more about the medical diagnosis and psychological evaluation of a potential future POTUS.

What would be conspiratorial is to say that it was "a hoax" or a "false flag" or "staged." There is an enormous difference between those, and wanting transparency about an assassination attempt on the life of the person who may be our 47th president in a few months' time.
If you watch the whole video, it demonstrates two things:

1. If the bullet just barely grazed the ear, the ear could be only slightly damaged. Their first shot demonstrated this (by accident) and one could envision a scenario where the bullet made even less contact than the one in their demo.
2. If the bullet hit where the cut exists on Trump's ear, it would have obliterated the ear.

I suppose it is possible that the bullet grazed the very edge of the ear and he had glass shrapnel in his ear but that seems improbable.
I don't know how improbable
The guy is an egomaniac. We don’t really need to know. Again - this is a stupid distraction that comes off conspiratory.
It's just something to talk about. It's true, he's an egomaniac/narcissist/dark triad guy. Given that, what are we supposed to talk about? Injecting bleach? This is merely new material.