GOP slouches into the crazy to be born as MAGA ~ GENERAL Crazy

Spoiler Alert: That is not Diddy; it is Montel Williams

“… Snopes has covered rumors about Harris and Williams' relationship before, including verifying the same photographs of them at the 2001 event. In 2020, Williams said the following about Harris: "Kamala Harris and I briefly dated about 20 years ago when we were both single. So what? I have great respect for Sen. Harris. I have to wonder if the same stories about her dating history would have been written if she were a male candidate?" …”

(Harris and Williams were attending a red-carpet event in 2001 alongside the TV host's daughter, Ashley Williams. )

At first I thought "this has to be a fake article", but no, it is a real NY Times article. Honestly, the Times is obsessed with Trump voters, and never seems to tire of running articles about his base voters. They still love doing occasional articles where a reporter travels to some small town or rural area and interviews grizzled-looking Trumpers in a local diner or business. The Times is like a moth to a flame for such folks. And, of course, they almost never write the same kinds of articles about Biden or Harris voters and what their thoughts are about current issues or events.