Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

She should obviously do the debate but I couldn’t care less if she does more interviews, press conferences, etc. She owes the press nothing and what she’s been doing has been very effective in getting her message out. The fact that it’s the Pubs pushing for more spontaneous appearances is evidence she has more to lose than gain from them. Trump makes things worse for himself every time he speaks off the cuff.
Yeah. I generally think that whatever the Republicans want Harris to do, she should do the exact opposite.
She should obviously do the debate but I couldn’t care less if she does more interviews, press conferences, etc. She owes the press nothing and what she’s been doing has been very effective in getting her message out. The fact that it’s the Pubs pushing for more spontaneous appearances is evidence she has more to lose than gain from them. Trump makes things worse for himself every time he speaks off the cuff.
From a democracy perspective, it would be good for Harris to do interviews. But as long as the media holds her to a different standard than Trump, there is no reason for her to sit down for an interview for electoral reasons.
From a democracy perspective, it would be good for Harris to do interviews. But as long as the media holds her to a different standard than Trump, there is no reason for her to sit down for an interview for electoral reasons.
The hypocrisy of not only the GOP, but the legacy news media, in complaining that she won't take questions or defend her policy proposals, yet on the occasions when she has taken reporter's questions they don't ask about policy or issues but try "gotcha!" questions or just ask her to respond to whatever insults Trump has thrown her way, is glaring. Maybe, if the legacy news media wants press relations between themselves and candidates to return to a more normal, traditional status, they should start acting like professional journalists and not the fluff, celebrity, or biased talking heads they've become. The days of being interviewed by a Ted Koppel, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, or even Sam Donaldson type reporter are long gone.
Trump says there should be several debates. My guess is that if Harris makes him look the fool and liar he is, this will be last debate. He will refuse, unless on Fox.
I actually think the opposite.

Remember Trump didn’t want to debate Biden again because Biden looked bad in the first one.

This is also the reason he wants to bait her into the FIRST debate being on Fox. He wants homefield advantage so she can possibly look worse with moderation friendly to him, and then he can refuse to debate again.

The goal will be to get her to look bad and then run out the clock. If he loses the first debate in popular perception, he will want to debate again until he “wins,” and then shut it down.
The hypocrisy of not only the GOP, but the legacy news media, in complaining that she won't take questions or defend her policy proposals, yet on the occasions when she has taken reporter's questions they don't ask about policy or issues but try "gotcha!" questions or just ask her to respond to whatever insults Trump has thrown her way, is glaring. Maybe, if the legacy news media wants press relations between themselves and candidates to return to a more normal, traditional status, they should start acting like professional journalists and not the fluff, celebrity, or biased talking heads they've become. The days of being interviewed by a Ted Koppel, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, or even Sam Donaldson type reporter are long gone.
The issue to me is not the way the press interviews Kamala (or Biden, Obama, etc.). It’s the way they “interview” Trump. I know Trump’s a steamroller of shit, but it’s incomprehensible to me how people who claim to be journalists can give him a platform to spew his lies without having an adequate plan to push back on him. The result is that the press has become distrusted by both the left and the right, and has therefore forfeited any argument that candidates should subject themselves to interviews or press conferences. It’s a problem entirely of the press’s making. If Kamala decides it’s in her interest to engage with them, great. But I’m fine with whatever decision she makes. She owes them nothing.
The issue to me is not the way the press interviews Kamala (or Biden, Obama, etc.). It’s the way the “interview” Trump. I know Trump’s a steamroller of shit, but it’s incomprehensible to me how people who claim to be journalists can give him a platform to spew his lies without having an adequate plan to push back on him. The result is that the press has become distrusted by both the left and the right, and has therefore forfeited any argument that candidates should subject themselves to interviews or press conferences. It’s a problem entirely of the press’s making. If Kamala decides it’s in her interest to engage with them, great. But I’m fine with whatever decision she makes. She owes them nothing.
Yes, the mainstream news media is so scared shitless of being labeled as in the tank for the Dems that they are effectively neutered when it comes to engaging with Trump. He’s also flooded the zone with so many falsehoods and exaggerations over 12 years that they cannot possibly fact check him without appearing to be constantly arguing with him or being biased. They’ve fallen directly into his trap.

Not only will the Republican base be convinced that he’s being treated unfairly, but so will the swing voters. And that circles back around to the media making their own bed, because they cover both sides as being somehow equally flawed due to their fear of being labeled as biased. So they have boxed themselves in and can’t challenge the Republicans. Self fulfilling prophecy.
She should obviously do the debate but I couldn’t care less if she does more interviews, press conferences, etc. She owes the press nothing and what she’s been doing has been very effective in getting her message out. The fact that it’s the Pubs pushing for more spontaneous appearances is evidence she has more to lose than gain from them. Trump makes things worse for himself every time he speaks off the cuff.
Yeah, no one is going to enter the voting booth thinking that they can't vote for a candidate who didn't do enough press conferences or interviews:cautious:

do more rallies
do the debate(s)
build the ground game
defend against the GQP voter suppression efforts
I hope she uses some of her DA skills on him. Something like, “Mr Trump, how do you think American’s would feel if they knew you tried to work a deal with Putin to help lower oil prices that includes giving Alaska to Russia?” Does not have to be true…just do things to rattle him.
The hypocrisy of not only the GOP, but the legacy news media, in complaining that she won't take questions or defend her policy proposals, yet on the occasions when she has taken reporter's questions they don't ask about policy or issues but try "gotcha!" questions or just ask her to respond to whatever insults Trump has thrown her way, is glaring. Maybe, if the legacy news media wants press relations between themselves and candidates to return to a more normal, traditional status, they should start acting like professional journalists and not the fluff, celebrity, or biased talking heads they've become. The days of being interviewed by a Ted Koppel, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, or even Sam Donaldson type reporter are long gone.
Agree with this 100%. And props on the "legacy news media"... whoever coined that phrase nailed it. However, I still say sitting down with a 60 minutes exclusive interview would not be a bad idea. Especially AFTER the debate, when she nails DonOld to the wall.
Yes, the mainstream news media is so scared shitless of being labeled as in the tank for the Dems that they are effectively neutered when it comes to engaging with Trump. He’s also flooded the zone with so many falsehoods and exaggerations over 12 years that they cannot possibly fact check him without appearing to be constantly arguing with him or being biased. They’ve fallen directly into his trap.

Not only will the Republican base be convinced that he’s being treated unfairly, but so will the swing voters. And that circles back around to the media making their own bed, because they cover both sides as being somehow equally flawed due to their fear of being labeled as biased. So they have boxed themselves in and can’t challenge the Republicans. Self fulfilling prophecy.
Victims of their own making
Clearly the “weird” label gets under Trump’s skin, and the Right’s in general, so I’m really hoping she’ll work at least one “That’s a very weird way to respond to that question” into the debate script.
She doesn't have to get down to the mud slinging or contentious crap. Just during the "Ms. Harris would you like to respond" parts just pick off the low hanging fruit then get to her points.

After one of Trump's meandering tirades, just look at the camera wirh a smile and say, "Look, it is not only weird to say anyone is going to raise your taxes 4X, it is an outright lie and ridiculous. That would mean the majority of Americans would pay 100% of income to taxes."

When he says undocumented immigrants are millions let out from prisons and mental institutions and sent here, answer in same fashion. First acknowledge there is a problem, but where are these millions of criminals? They get out of prison, come here with nothing, and stop breaking the law? Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than U.S. citizens.

Also, if he thinks a President (or VP) can make drastic changes at the border without congressional laws, or a Pandemic order, why did he try a silly solution like building a wall? A weird ridiculous idea that he never accomplished, and the small bit he did, Mexico did NOT pay for. And of course Trump killing the only meaningful bi-partisan attempt in decades.

When Trump claims it was a terrible bill and would do nothing. ask him how so and if he even knows what was in the bill. Of course he doesn't. She would have him fuming and going ballistic.