Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

If I'm Harris, I'm not debating at all. Trump needs to play catch up.
Disagree from Harris’ POV. Harris is going to do well in the debate because she will be compared to Biden, who is one of the worst debaters ever. In fairness to him he wasn’t always that way - he did well against Paul Ryan in 2012 - but the last few years since he fell off a cliff cognitively, he was so bad.

I fully expect Harris to do better than Clinton or Biden ever did against Trump. Both in the debate and also in the election.
I still go back to my original comment, the tables will be turned on Trump. He will be the one on the short end of the stick in this debate. Unlike the first one where even his BS ramblings counted as a huge win, even though his opponent kept fumbling the ball time and again. Trump thought the TD he scored was after a 95 yd run when really he simply stumbled and fell on the ball in the endzone.

Trump will not be so lucky this go around. It should be fun to watch. As much fun as the other one was disappointing to watch.
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Disagree from Harris’ POV. Harris is going to do well in the debate because she will be compared to Biden, who is one of the worst debaters ever. In fairness to him he wasn’t always that way - he did well against Paul Ryan in 2012 - but the last few years since he fell off a cliff cognitively, he was so bad.

I fully expect Harris to do better than Clinton or Biden ever did against Trump. Both in the debate and also in the election.
You do understand that Trump is literally the worst debater in the history of modern presidential debates, right?

He never addresses issues because he’s ignorant of basic facts and is uninterested in engaging on the level. He’d lose any high school debate match he dared to enter.

He reduces debates to WWE matches where insults, lies, and hyperbole are his biggest weapons. And that’s not actually debating—it’s just bad theater and pandering to the crowd.
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Disagree from Harris’ POV. Harris is going to do well in the debate because she will be compared to Biden, who is one of the worst debaters ever. In fairness to him he wasn’t always that way - he did well against Paul Ryan in 2012 - but the last few years since he fell off a cliff cognitively, he was so bad.

I fully expect Harris to do better than Clinton or Biden ever did against Trump. Both in the debate and also in the election.
She’ll do well because she will be compared to Trump, who is an imbecile.
For the most part, the debate answers from Harris should be directed towards those who are leaning towards sitting out the election, and those who are true Independents. She doesn't need to stoop to Trump's level. No matter how well she does, she won't convert Trump's supporters. And no matter how poorly she does, she won't lose the hard-core Democrats. Her goal should be to bring more voters into the fold, whatever that entails.
“We have told ABC and other networks seeking to host a possible October debate that we believe both candidates’ mics should be live throughout the full broadcast,” Brian Fallon, the Harris campaign’s senior adviser for communications, said in a statement.

“Our understanding is that Trump’s handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don’t think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. We suspect Trump’s team has not even told their boss about this dispute because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don’t think he can handle himself against Vice President Harris without the benefit of a mute button,” he said.

Trump’s campaign has argued that when they agreed to the ABC debate with Harris at the top of the ticket, they were agreeing to the same guidelines of the previous debate. …”
She’ll do well because she will be compared to Trump, who is an imbecile.
I agree with this, but I think it is ALSO the comparison to Biden. The first debate was an absolute travesty from both sides. Kamala benefits a LOT from Biden being so markedly bad that by comparison she will be incredible.