Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

I'm going to have read this thread later. I can usually follow game threads and still watch the entire game.

But I've been waiting so long for this debate, I just couldn't turn away from Trump going off the rails like I've never seen before.

So many ridiculous statements and crazytalk about undocumented people eating people's cats and dogs. WTF?
This debate ending feels exactly like when I was sad that the 41-10 ass kicking of State hit 0:00 on the clock.
Trump won this event. It’s an “event,” and not a debate.

Trump wasn’t old and doddering.
dude, what? his opponent is no longer biden, simply being not old and doddering isn't enough.

he was alright for the first 5 minutes or so but its been a massacre since.

he's been spewing unhinged lies and gibberish for the last 45 minutes.

all of his proxies melting all over twitter about the debate being rigged tells you all you need to know about what happened here tonight.
Funny that ZooView is the only one on here who seems to think Trump won. Didn’t expect him to feel that way.
Rachel Maddow: (paraphrasing) "A television producer once told me that all you ever need to know about how a live event is going is by watching it with the sound off. ... The two shot of him hunched over and squinting and gesticulating while she just calmly stood there and smiled as if to say 'what is happening?' is all you need to know."