Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

If JD were honest he would say true we didn't talk about it, we really don't talk, he hates me.
Has a presidential candidate ever thrown his running mate under the bus as blatantly as Trump did tonight? He did turn against Pence of course, but not in 2016 or during the 2020 campaign to my knowledge. Even McCain never turned on Palin as Trump did on Vance tonight. I wonder what Vance is thinking and doing right now - making love to the sofa in his hotel room, probably.
From a traditional understanding of debates, Kamala absolutely whipped him. if it had been a boxing match, his corner would have thrown in the towel by the three-quarter mark.

Of course, debates no longer operate under a traditional understanding. Trump did nothing that will turn off his base (and probably can't do so at this point), so that limits his downside. But Trump did absolutely nothing to appeal to anyone outside of his base and did a lot to turn them off. He came across as an whining, petulant, angry man who has nothing very little to offer in terms of new ideas. Kamala, while I'm not sure she nailed it, certainly came across as the far better candidate unless you want someone who is still angry about past elections and sees America as a hellhole.
Eff you.

I’m a diehard Democrat who thinks the “I vote for the man, and not the party” stance is BS because elected officials vote party.

Trump “won” the “debate” because he wasn’t a drooling old man.
He didn’t win the debate.