Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Disagree. If someone was hell bent on voting for Trump, the debate didn't change that. Ditto for Harris. But there are plenty of people (Republicans and Independents) who were looking for a reason NOT to vote for Trump. They got that last night. Perfect cover for saying "Well, I would have preferred to vote for Trump, but I don't think he is even remotely qualified to be President, based upon his nonsensical answers".
This is the hope..........I will not predict....Cause anyone that did not know Who Oh Who to vote for among these two candidates pre-debate....must be a moron
Yeah, it’s called debate prep, dipshit Don. You should try it. None of these questions was out of left field, they were all extremely obvious questions to anyone paying attention. She prepared, DonOld didnt, and it showed.
Trump, the Republican nominee, publicly dismisses the value of studying for the debate. The former president is choosing instead to fill his days with campaign-related events on the premise that he’ll know what he needs to do once he steps on the debate stage at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

“You can go in with all the strategy you want but you have to sort of feel it out as the debate’s taking place,” he said during a town hall with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Even if there is a hypothetical better Democratic candidate, Harris is reasonably close to whoever that may be and light years closer to the optimal candidate for her party (or any party) than Trump is. He's the most unqualified candidate in the history of presidential elections, so spare the concern trolling about how Democrats don't have the best candidate they could possibly have.

I don't like him and again, will not vote for him, but at this juncture, I would argue on paper, he's very qualified simply because he has actually already held the position. He has experience doing the job (albeit not very well)
You don't think there are people who would be greater candidates than Harris on the Democratic side? Do you think she is the best Democrat for the job?
I think there are folks in the Democratic Party I prefer over Harris.

But if we're grading Harris as a future POTUS, she's certainly an A. She'll likely be a better president than she is a candidate.

I don't think she's "the best", but you don't knock someone graduating magna cum laude for not being the valedictorian.
I don't like him and again, will not vote for him, but at this juncture, I would argue on paper, he's very qualified simply because he has actually already held the position. He has experience doing the job (albeit not very well)
Poor past performance does not make him qualified to hold the position again. If anything, it exemplifies why he’s unqualified.
I don't like him and again, will not vote for him, but at this juncture, I would argue on paper, he's very qualified simply because he has actually already held the position. He has experience doing the job (albeit not very well)
its a dumb argument.

his admin was perhaps the most corrupt and fraught in the history of the country and went down in absolute flames.

meanwhile, she's got 20+ years of spotless public service as a major metro area DA, AG of the largest state in the country, senator and now VP.

her resume >>>>>> than his
I don't like him and again, will not vote for him, but at this juncture, I would argue on paper, he's very qualified simply because he has actually already held the position. He has experience doing the job (albeit not very well)
Aren’t you the poster who claimed he would not vote for either candidate and rather write in the name of the person YOU would want to be President?

Who will you be writing in?
At one point last night, Trump made the comment that economy professors at Penn thought his economic “plan” (which I’m sure is nothing more than giving corporations and the top 1% more tax breaks) was the best they’d ever seen.

Really wish the Dean of the Penn Econ department would have made a public statement that this was total crap.
I think there are folks in the Democratic Party I prefer over Harris.

But if we're grading Harris as a future POTUS, she's certainly an A. She'll likely be a better president than she is a candidate.

I don't think she's "the best", but you don't knock someone graduating magna cum laude for not being the valedictorian.
Kamala Harris is 100% clearly the 100% perfect person tor the time, place, and situation we found ourselves in after June 28th at roughly 10pm. This is an inarguable fact.

To attempt to argue otherwise is farcical.

Only all-in Trumpers can argue otherwise, and only as a tacit acknowledgement of how astonishingly competent she is (thus diminishing Trump's chances in this election).