Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Kamala Harris is 100% clearly the 100% perfect person tor the time, place, and situation we found ourselves in after June 28th at roughly 10pm. This is an inarguable fact.

To attempt to argue otherwise is farcical.

Only all-in Trumpers can argue otherwise, and only as a tacit acknowledgement of how astonishingly competent she is (thus diminishing Trump's chances in this election).
I agree with that.

I don't think she's the best potential president in the Democratic Party, but I do think she was the best person to come off the bench over halfway through the campaign to unite the party once it was clear the Biden couldn't carry the torch for 4 more years. I think that she's proven that over the last several weeks.
I thought it was golden when after Harris remarked how it was only the world’s dictators that liked Trump, and that they knew they could play him with flattery … Trump proceeded to praise Orbon while repeating gushing remarks made by Orbon.

That’s knowing how to play your opponent.
So John Bunting is qualified to be the UNC football coach?
At one point last night, Trump made the comment that economy professors at Penn thought his economic “plan” (which I’m sure is nothing more than giving corporations and the top 1% more tax breaks) was the best they’d ever seen.

Really wish the Dean of the Penn Econ department would have made a public statement that this was total crap.
He also said his Wharton professors think he is the best or something. I'd be shocked if any of them are still alive.
He also said his Wharton professors think he is the best or something. I'd be shocked if any of them are still alive.
One of his professors said multiple times, that Trump was the dumbest student he ever had.

And Trump himself has stated he learned nothing at Wharton because those people don't know anything about business.

For all his fanfare about "Art of the Deal" in the 80's and MAGA types thinking he is perfect to run the economy as such a successful businessman, he's been pretty crappy at it forever. His many bankruptcies prove that point.

Most of his "success" has come through fraud and gimmicks and playing the system like a mob boss.
He also said his Wharton professors think he is the best or something. I'd be shocked if any of them are still alive.
He also threatened to sue anyone who released his test scores, grades or any other academic records so I have my doubts.
I don't like him and again, will not vote for him, but at this juncture, I would argue on paper, he's very qualified simply because he has actually already held the position. He has experience doing the job (albeit not very well)
What he did and/or allowed to happen on January 6th should automatically disqualify him from the presidency in the future.

I'm a conservative. Always admired Reagan. I don't like the 'woke progressive left', and supported DeSantis in the primary. I know Harris is a lib and never liked her. But last night made it obvious to me that Harris has more respect for our institutions, our cultural norms and for our American traditions than Trump. He's so awful it makes her look Reaganesque.

When Harris said Trump's own generals, his Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Advisor won't support him and say he's dangerously unfit, a disgrace and a wannabe dictator, Trump immediately perked up and went on a weird rant about how Victor Orban, an Eastern European autocrat, loves him and tells him how strong he is and how much he likes him. As much as I already despise him, that turned it up a notch. Unbelievable.

The guy is just completely un-American and has no idea or understanding of what makes our country what it is, what makes a Republic, and what democracy means. He doesn't understand service or the role of a citizen statesman. He truly does admire dictators and autocrats like Xi, Putin, and Orban more than anyone on our own team. He admires the characteristics of tyrants that Americans of historically despised and fought against at every turn.

It is in our shared culture, our American DNA to hate the type of people Trump loves.

We all know he called to terminate the Constitution, and led a seditious fake elector plot and a riot at the capital in an attempt to overturn the election. He's clearly completely insane and unfit. Just blows my mind that anyone is still supporting this treasonous, lying fool. He is so completely un-American.

Lord willing, Harris will beat this fool in a landslide, the GOP can rebuild into more of a party and less of a cult, and we can be done with this sad, sorry chapter in American political history.

I'm a conservative. Always admired Reagan. I don't like the 'woke progressive left', and supported DeSantis in the primary. I know Harris is a lib and never liked her. But last night made it obvious to me that Harris has more respect for our institutions, our cultural norms and for our American traditions than Trump. He's so awful it makes her look Reaganesque.

When Harris said Trump's own generals, his Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Advisor won't support him and say he's dangerously unfit, a disgrace and a wannabe dictator, Trump immediately perked up and went on a weird rant about how Victor Orban, an Eastern European autocrat, loves him and tells him how strong he is and how much he likes him. As much as I already despise him, that turned it up a notch. Unbelievable.

The guy is just completely un-American and has no idea or understanding of what makes our country what it is, what makes a Republic, and what democracy means. He doesn't understand service or the role of a citizen statesman. He truly does admire dictators and autocrats like Xi, Putin, and Orban more than anyone on our own team. He admires the characteristics of tyrants that Americans of historically despised and fought against at every turn.

It is in our shared culture, our American DNA to hate the type of people Trump loves.

We all know he called to terminate the Constitution, and led a seditious fake elector plot and a riot at the capital in an attempt to overturn the election. He's clearly completely insane and unfit. Just blows my mind that anyone is still supporting this treasonous, lying fool. He is so completely un-American.

Lord willing, Harris will beat this fool in a landslide, the GOP can rebuild into more of a party and less of a cult, and we can be done with this sad, sorry chapter in American political history.

Vote Democratic-we aren't perfect-but they are Weird and dangerous