Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Eh, considering how much damage Trump did to himself every time he opened his mouth, I was fine with it.
absolutely. but this is definitely more evidence of just how dishonest the right is being with their critiques of the moderation and formatting.

dude was given EVERY opportunity.
absolutely. but this is definitely more evidence of just how dishonest the right is being with their critiques of the moderation and formatting.

dude was given EVERY opportunity.
The truth is the right should actually be complaining today that the moderators were LAX in actually upholding the rules of the debate and should have been more forceful in shutting Trump down. 😂
Trump is right that the moderators were bad. They let him talk much more than he should have been allowed but that actually worked to Harris's benefit.
I take a bit of exception to this.

It wasn't the Moderators as much as it was whoever the Producer was.

The Moderators didn't have access to the mic mute button, I'm almost 100% certain that was a Producer. The Moderators simply couldn't afford to get into a shouting match with Trump (which would end up playing directly into Trump's hands). As long as the mic was left on they had to cede the time. For that perspective I think the Moderators themselves were damn near flawless (the best of any debate I can remember, though my memory sucks).

But during the debate I was damn sure cussing the producer loudly.
I’m guessing asking a Pub who doesn’t like Trump to vote for Harris, is kinda like asking a UNC fan to root for NC State in the national championship game against Duke.
I don't know if it could be called rooting for either, but if it was for the basketball national championship I'd prefer State to win, if it was football I'd prefer Duke to win. Both those scenarios have the benefit of being the most painful outcome to the respective fanbases of the losing team...
This has been the most entertaining zzl thread in years. And it is all due to the sheer lunacy and weirdness of Trump, Fox News, his cult and all his apologists and spin meisters.