Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | Harris challenges Trump to 2nd Debate on 10/23 on CNN.

Joy Reid: "The look that was on Harris's face - and I kept screen shotting it - the look said pity. She looked like she pitied him and she kept looking at him like 'are you ok?' and she finally said 'I think you are having a hard time connecting with reality.' Donald Trump got destroyed in this debate because he can't control his mind and you don't want a president of the United States who is not in full control of his mind."
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Folks, I am balls deep in Fox News right now and it is.....spectacular.
Indeed. I haven't watched Fox in ages, but I did briefly go over there after the debate and one of the first things I heard was Laura Ingraham saying "Everyone knows that ABC's goal tonight was to make Kamala Harris look good." Yes, ABC is to blame because their mods gave Trump a lot more talking time than Harris and he showed everyone just what a loon and trainwreck he is.