Helene & Milton - Political fallout, Disinformation and Lies & now Layoffs

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Why does he keep saying no helicopters? How does he just lie with absolute boldness like this? Pubs how are y’all ok with this dishonesty? There nothing remotely comparable like this by Democrats that I can ever remember.
1. His base is made up nearly entirely of low to no information voters.
2. The media doesn't have the attention span/ desire to really press him on this.
1. His base is made up nearly entirely of low to no information voters.
2. The media doesn't have the attention span/ desire to really press him on this.
As far as I can tell, MAGA who can’t deny the evidence of their eyes and ears of chopper traffic in the region just turn to the next conspiracy, that FEMA and the FAA are preventing private aircraft from using the airspace in ravaged areas to save people (usually so the private actors can’t see and report back the nefarious things the government is up to on the ground). That conspiracy probably has a nugget of truth in that there is so much air traffic in some of these areas the FAA has had to issue flight restrictions for safety reasons, but you know it is so you cants we the FEMA camps rounding up MAGA to replace them with lizard people or migrants or U.N. Mining interests or something.
Germany recovered from Nazi Germany…….then, it brought in the totalitarian state of East Germany and its Gestapo-like Stasi. And, has built one of the world’s most vibrant nations.

We’ll recover. At their core, most people are good.

The recovery might entail violence, bloodshed, and death; but, we’ll recover.
Of course Germany right now is being swept by a far-right movement, just like the US and many other countries…
Germany's rehabilitation is precisely the reason I say I'm unsure America can recover rather than taking the perspective that it's hopeless. Our nation may have to ultimately be razed to the ground (like Portland obviously) but there's promise that it can be rebuilt.
Minneapolis too
As far as I can tell, MAGA who can’t deny the evidence of their eyes and ears of chopper traffic in the region just turn to the next conspiracy, that FEMA and the FAA are preventing private aircraft from using the airspace in ravaged areas to save people (usually so the private actors can’t see and report back the nefarious things the government is up to on the ground). That conspiracy probably has a nugget of truth in that there is so much air traffic in some of these areas the FAA has had to issue flight restrictions for safety reasons, but you know it is so you cants we the FEMA camps rounding up MAGA to replace them with lizard people or migrants or U.N. Mining interests or something.
Trump and right-wing media don't care if lies like there is no chopper traffic, blockades..... work on the people who can see with their own two eyes that they are indeed lies. It's meant to influence people in other states (swing states) that can't see firsthand what's really happening. They know that there's really no price to pay with the MAGA cult for said lies.

I really hope it backfires in their face, but I'm afraid (if not convinced) that there are enough low information voters out there that these lies will work on them and push Trump over the finish line come election night. Guess we'll have to see what the polls over the next few days have to say.
The low information voters who would be incensed by this are already Trump voters. Just hope the press keeps their thumb off the scales.
1. His base is made up nearly entirely of low to no information voters.
2. The media doesn't have the attention span/ desire to really press him on this.
1. MAGA aren’t typically low/no information folks, they are mostly disinformed folks who consume a significant amount of mis/disinformation on a regular basis.

2. The media has failed in formulating a response to MAGA-based disinformation campaigns that are far deeper than mere attention span or desire issues. A massive yet foundational flaw has been exposed in the core of modern journalism by Trump/MAGA over the last almost 10 years.
The MAGA lies aren't meant to be believed. They are meant to "own the libs." The entire right wing of American politics has devolved into one thing, "own the libs." If telling hurtful lies about North Carolina's worst catastrophe in decades is what it takes to "own the libs," then no lie is too outrageous. If electing a fool who had Vladamir Putin's up his rectum is what it takes to "own the libs," then MAGA Nation is going to start singing "The Internationale." The right wing finally dumbed down their message enough that the embittered, uneducated, technology displaced masses finally get it, "own the libs."
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The MAGA lies aren't meant to be believed. They are meant to "own the libs." The entire right wing of American politics has devolved into one thing, "own the libs." If telling hurtful lies about North Carolina's worst catastrophe in decades is what it takes to "own the libs," then no lies is too outrageous. If electing a fool who had Vladamir Putin's up his rectum is what it takes to "own the libs," then MAGA Nation is going to start singing "The Internationale." The right wing finally dumbed down their message enough that the embittered, uneducated, technology displaced masses finally get it, "own the libs."
+1. The heart of MAGA Nation is resentment of others, pure and simple. It can be resentment of the nation's growing racial and religious and ethnic diversity, or it can be the traditional resentment of rural, small-town white folk towards urban residents, the class resentment of lower and working-class whites towards (usually) better-paid white-collar and professional class workers, etc. And Trump is a master at playing up their resentment and focusing it on specific targets - immigrants, college professors and students, NFL players who kneel at the national anthem, etc.

To cite one small example, just look at all the bitterness and anger that was expressed when IC announced that they were shutting down the IC politics board. It was quickly overrun by Trumper posters - some who had been banned and some who had never posted there but clearly had regularly read the posts and threads - expressing how gleeful they were that liberals would now not be able to post their views on IC anymore, resentment that a majority of the board were liberals and they didn't feel welcome there, and just years of pent-up resentment flowing from them like a river of rage. And shutting down the IC politics board was seen as yet another conservative "own the libs" victory, so they claimed they were happy even while their anger clearly showed in their posts.

If your hometown is dying because the factories are gone, if your kids leave town as soon as they get out of high school and never come back but instead move to blue-voting large cities, if fewer and fewer people seem to be going to church regularly and people you once regarded as freaks, like gays and lesbians and transgenders, can now marry and be publicly accepted, and if racial minorities like the Obamas can now get better jobs than you and aren't at the bottom of the social totem pole anymore, and if women can now be independent and have their own careers and aren't forced into marriages with guys who are basically losers, then voting for Donald Trump and similar candidates is a great way to express your resentment and own the libs. I still see people who post on facebook or other social media the video clips of Hillary supporters crying the morning after the 2016 election, and it still makes them so, so happy. Trump is the instrument of their revenge, and if he wins again they can gloat on social media and make the libs cry. It's what they're all about now.
. . .. It's what they're all about now.
Excellent post. An addition to your last line, increasingly, it's the only thing they are about. When hatred becomes the single most animating emotion in your life, then you are in serious trouble.

As an aside, that's why I love that this board has, among others, threads about favorite photographs, NC history, recollections of a shared past, etc. Let's keep these tangential threads alive as an aid to not becoming that which we purport to distain.

ETA: Goes without saying, but the previous paragraph is a thank you to Don Bosco.
I just saw an article about how the Land of Oz amusement park atop Beech Mountain suffered only minor damage from the hurricane. However, many of the comments below the article were not people saying they were grateful or thankful that the park was spared, but were posts slamming FEMA and the government for not doing a better job of helping people, or saying that maybe the government will buy the park and turn it into a lithium mine, and all sorts of other conspiracy crap. This stuff is literally everywhere on the net - some of it, I suspect, is being spread by troll farms/bots, but it's still there.
Part Deux. Milton could land near Tampa as a CAT 4. Unlike the western NC mountains where there are lot of isolated areas and thus an opportunity for Trump to fill in the gaps with Misinformation... the prep. and recovery from Milton will be out in the open, likely filmed on smartphones. FEMA Kamala, Biden need to be ready. Be there.