Helene & Milton - Political fallout, Disinformation and Lies & now Layoffs

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You’re an individual donating supplies to a charity providing supplies to people in need.

You weren’t driving a pick-up truck of water from Raleigh in search of a photo op (“My team and I……”).

Rent a damn Semi-truck and buy a Wal-Mart or two or three out of bottled water.

A pick-up truck load? For a photo op?
You are making a lot of assumptions about what he did

Pick a new battle
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You place resources on higher ground in critical areas that can be accessed. You prepare for portability and rescue. FEMA and the US Gov. had a week to prepare.

TBF, I'm commenting on how the votes in the middle and on the fence will see it.
Have you ever been to Western NC? Do you know how logistically impossible all this would be? This is not Katrina in New Orleans, where the government is used to flooding across a giant, largely flat area and knows where to stage from and can access basically every flooded area from a couple of primary waterways/bodies of water. This is Western NC, where they haven't dealt with flooding like this in 100 years and the flooding is occurring across a number of different rivers (many of them normally non-navigable) and small lakes scattered throughout the mountains across hundreds or thousands of square miles. There are not "high ground" staging depots where you could pre-store supplies and rescue equipment in any substantial quantities, much less such places scattered across the region. You can't get a bunch of boats in position because you don't know where they need to be or what conditions they'll be dealing with, and as soon as the storm hit most of the major roadways in the region were cut. You can use helicopters in places, but it's dangerous and in many places they can't get to where the people are.

And in any event no one had "a week" to prepare for this flooding. It wasn't until about Thursday or so that people realized the magnitude of the threat to the Appalachian region; before that the biggest concern was the low-lying Florida coastal areas in the direct path of the eye. That's where many resources were directed, and why DeSantis can now re-direct some of those assets to the mountain regions.
Create a charity on the fly. during a gubernatorial campaign? Is this supposed to be a serious post?
And why?

It freaking already exists and I already got the communication about it , and have already donated (my 11yo volunteered $41 of her own money, made me proud).

North Carolina Disaster Recovery Fund Administered by the United Way of North Carolina

GTFOOH, Zoo_View. Like seriously. You are literally epitomizing the thread topic. Trying to make political hay out of other peoples misery. Go take a long look in the mirror and come back and tell me if you like what you see.
And why?

It freaking already exists and I already got the communication about it , and have already donated (my 11yo volunteered $41 of her own money, made me proud).

North Carolina Disaster Recovery Fund Administered by the United Way of North Carolina

GTFOOH, Zoo_View. Like seriously. You are literally epitomizing the thread topic. Trying to make political hay out of other peoples misery. Go take a long look in the mirror and come back and tell me if you like what you see.
Yeah. Dry humping up a net new 'charity' with no infrastructure only causes confusion and dilutes the ones that are actually able to do shit.
Any word on Valle crucis? I'm sure it did not do well
Not much -- I've seen some brief updates on Facebook that basically say it is nearly impossible to get in there b/c the roads were so damaged by flooding and mudslides
One good part of Burke is it's this side of Old Fort - ie you can get out.
This is true, but I live in the western portion of Burke county and we got hit hard. Lake James and the headwaters of the Catawba River was no joke four days ago.
There isn't much to speak of of 'northern' or 'up the mountains' Burke County, except for Jonas Ridge, which is functionally, and for all practical purposes, Avery County, which got completely clobbered.

The western half of Burke County from Valdese going west got at least moderately clobbered.

Then going east to Catawba County and Hickory you get to, not unscathed, but not clobbered.
This is true, but I live in the western portion of Burke county and we got hit hard. Lake James and the headwaters of the Catawba River was no joke four days ago.

I've been trying to get in touch with a buddy on Lake James. He's up high so I imagine his place is okay. I would have thought cell service would be working. He's near the marina and campground.
I mean there is a northern area...I camp and hike there every year - well between there and western Caldwell. Freedom High School's zone goes all the way up there. Of course, I have always wondered how long it takes those folks to get to school. Sure it's about 20 kids total, but still... (once my HS golf team got stuck behind a school bus up there. - felt that was some really bad luck). Just wondered how the demarcation line went but you did help with your Valdese-west comment, so thank you.
Students in Jonas Ridge and more towards Linville can go to Avery County HS. Burke County funds pay for that. This type of “sharing” across county lines goes on quite a bit in counties that have these type of geographic anomalies.

Speaking of Freedom High, I used to coach football (and a season of baseball) there back in the ‘00’s.
We were flooded similarly in 2004. Water swallowed our goal posts and our field house. We had to have all of our gear Re-conditioned and sanitized. We borrowed gear for local middle and high schools and also Lenoir Rhyne College in order to play our next game.

This years flood is even a bit worse. BUT, because we went through that in 2004, the coaching staff had all the gear REMOVED from the field house prior to Helene. Also, Freedom had a bye last Friday, AND this weeks game is at Hibriten in Lenoir - whose field is playable. The Freedom High School Patriots won’t skip a beat this go around and they’re loaded for bear. Look out Hibriten.

Trust me when I say, Morganton, Lake James, Jonas Ridge, etc. got slammed. Loads and loads of people lost or had their homes damaged to flooding and fallen trees. Luckily these folks could escape to Hickory and other areas to find water, gas, and refuge. Those on the other side of the Black Mountains… not so lucky.

My house is still without power and potable water.