And by "driving the Jews to the sea" they mostly mean regaining their own land that was stolen from them.
It's a bit more complex than that.
Before the WWI victory of the British and Allies over the Ottoman Turks, Britain and France signed the Sykes-Picot agreement splitting mandates in the Middle East and worked out a deal with the Saudis. Syria and Lebanon became under the control of the French. Algeria, Morocco became French protectorates. Egypt and control of the Suez Canal to the Brits. The British made up the country of Iraq to maximize oil flow, and screwing over the Kurds. Saudi Princes became Kings in Syria, Iraq. The Brits split off part of Palestine (bastardized from Philistines, hated enemies of the Jews) into Trans-Jordan and eventually Jordan.
After WWII the Brits and UN in their infinite wisdom decided to further divide the rest of Palestine in Israel and Palestine - West Bank + Gaza...a decision at least as disastrous as the India/Pakistan decision. The country of Palestine existed from November 1947 - May 1948 when Jordan, Egypt, and Syria attempted to drive the Jews to the Sea.
Israel captured a small portion of the West Bank and annexed it. Most of the West Bank fell into the hands of Jordan, who annexed the WB. It is part of the Jordanian UN charter. Egypt made Gaza a territory. Egypt and Jordan occupied legally the WB and Gaza for 20 years.
In 1954 the Arab States attacked Israel again. It did not go well for them. In 1967 it was deja vu all over again. This time it was a complete disaster for the Arab states. Israel captured the strategic Golan Heights. Eventually, Israel rightly annexed the Golan Heights. IMO, Israel made a huge mistake in not annexing the WB and Gaza in 1967 - instead they used them as negotiating pieces with mixed results long-term. Since the mid 1960s Egyptian/Palestinian/Iran backed terrorists (PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah) have fronted the Palestinians, who have used the people as human shields.
At this point, although "Palestine" only existed for 6 months almost 80 years ago...the only viable solution is a 3-state one (Jordan, Israel, Palestine) where Palestine is under a shared Arab State/US/Israel protectorate. The allied team would chose the leadership of Palestine. Hamas would be banned. Bibi would deservedly lose his PM post and likely be thrown in prison.
So, you can understand why Bibi and Hamas are pretending to make additional demands to avoid signing their own political death warrants. We must hope and pray that they are leveraged to do so. There are no more viable military targets or operations left. What is left is to make the peace.