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You have also conveniently left out a lot of what happened.You conveniently leave out a lot of what happened. These links can help you:
For Palestinians in the West Bank, 2023 was the deadliest year on record - occupied Palestinian territory
News and Press Release in English on occupied Palestinian territory about Health, Protection and Human Rights and more; published on 15 Dec 2023 by MSFreliefweb.int
Countdown to genocide: the year before October 7 - JVP
Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has always been Israeli policy. Here, we present a brief history of the past year.www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org
According to data from the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), 128 significant terrorist attacks (i.e., acts of violence that result in Israeli casualties) have been carried out in (or in some cases from) the West Bank since October 7—101 in the northern part of the territory and 27 in the southern part. The vast majority of these were shootings (112), followed by stabbings (6), vehicular attacks (4), explosions (4), and rocket fire (2).

Why a West Bank Front Has Not Opened So Far
The older generation remains skeptical of what an intifada might achieve, but Israeli crackdowns and worsening economic conditions could still ignite younger Palestinians and undermine PA security cooperation.