There’s video of him with his family in the tunnels from earlier in the war. From the podcasts I’ve listened to, the tunnels are very unpleasant to be in for long periods (humid, cramped, lack of air), plus we know Israel has destroyed many of them. Don’t think the fact that he was killed above ground really disproves the idea that he and other leaders have been hiding in tunnels.The killing of Sinwar seems to tell us a few things that Israel has lied about.
1. Hamas leaders aren’t hiding in tunnels. Israel has used this excuse to destroy every school, university, hospital, etc in Gaza because supposedly the Hamas leaders are hiding out.
2. Hamas wasn’t using Palestinians or Israeli hostages as human shields. You would think the leader of Hamas would be the most protected.
3. Israeli intelligence can’t be trusted. They were lucky to get Sinwar, but had no clue he was there, yet they supposedly know that random Hamas members are “hiding” in a refugee camp.
None of that makes sense.
I’m not quite sure why Israel decided to release that drone video, but then again I don’t understand the majority of decisions those dipshits make.
According to the Times they had reason to believe he was in the area:

Sinwar’s Final Moments: On the Run, Hurt, Alone, but Still Defiant
Israeli forces had been steadily closing in on Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader, for weeks before he was cornered and killed in a ruined house in the Gaza Strip.