JD Vance Catch-all | (Merged with newest JD Vance stand-alone thread)

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I agree. There are multiple ways of implementing the idea. Vance, unsurprisingly, chose the worst. The other alternatives, as you have noted, include lowering the voting age and increasing vote share of younger people. They all have downsides. It's unclear if this is a problem that requires a solution. Anyway . . . .
If only it was easier to vote...
I'm beginning to wonder if JD Vance and Ted Cruz aren't the same person. Has anyone every seen them both together at that same time?
This is an excellent comparison. A creeper who thinks he can fit in as normal by growing a beard. But then they open their mouths and it all falls apart.

The inside story of how Trump chose JD Vance as his running mate​

Once a critic, Vance repositioned himself as a faithful ally eager to defend Trump on TV, carry a torch for a younger generation of MAGA figures and fight for voters in the Midwest.

"... The conversation quickly turned tense when the former president indicated that he was leaning toward Doug Burgum, until recently the largely unknown governor of North Dakota — but someone whose low-maintenance, no-drama personality would never threaten to outshine Trump.

That’s when Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump chimed in.

Don Jr. and Eric went bats--- crazy: ‘Why would you do something so stupid? He [Burgum] offers us nothing,’” a longtime Republican operative familiar with the discussion told NBC News.

They were basically all like ‘JD, JD, JD,’” the operative said. ..."

Throwing the sons under the JD bus, apparently.

I'll have to go find it, but I recall a quote from Don Jr. in the last month or so where he said he didn't want to be in charge of personnel decisions, he just wanted a veto right to cull out the insufficiently loyal.
The Vance pick was so bad you just knew Junior and Eric had something to do with it.
Ivanka did not look happy at the convention, perhaps feeling she had been sidelined. She has excellent media connections so Vance better watch out for her media leaks as well.
Need to keep Vance on the ticket, Though someone like Rubio or Haley would also have chjallenges on the issue of a women;s right to choose (reproductive rights) Vance adds far more problems for Rs in terms of demeaning women in countless key aspects of their lives, and is a walking showhorse for the absolute worst parts of Project 2025.
So don't releasse everything on JD at once, dribble it out slowly every week,
Did y’all know that he changed his name from James Hamel to JD Vance? That was his name when he was in the Marines and served in Iraq.
ETA: not saying that this means anything but I had no idea that was true until today.
Kamala has digital game. I'm impressed.
After all the crap the GOP has spread about the Obamas, Hillary, and now Biden and Kamala, I can't wait, now that the Democrats are finally becoming more aggressive and forceful in their attacks on Republicans, to hear said Republicans feign fake outrage over these Democratic attacks, or to portray themselves as poor, innocent victims of Democratic smears. That's rich coming from the party that kept screaming "Benghazi" for years and attacked Michelle Obama for wearing a sleeveless dress or Barack for wearing a tan suit.
Conservatives really want to pigeonhole women into being Tradwife SAHMs with no careers and a complete reliance on their spouse. It's pathetic.
to me it sounds like they want to pigeon hole them into being breeding stock.
Did y’all know that he changed his name from James Hamel to JD Vance? That was his name when he was in the Marines and served in Iraq.
ETA: not saying that this means anything but I had no idea that was true until today.
He was born James Donald Bowman. Then his name was changed to Hamel. He changed it again, to Vance, when he got married.

I don't see anything weird about changing his name at marriage, given that his wife has a foreign name and Usha Hamel sounds bad. I considered changing my name when marrying a South Asian woman because her name and my last name don't really go together, but she wanted to take my name.

No way Vance is going to participate in a VP debate.

Ryan actually led Vance in the polls, or kept it very close, for a good deal of the campaign, and Vance stumbled and bumbled through much of the campaign. He only pulled comfortably ahead in the polls over the last month or so, and his victory (by about six percent, well below what a Republican should win by in Ohio) was almost certainly due to the magic (R) next to his name, and not to any personal popularity or because he connected with Ohio voters, and certainly not white working-class voters. And Ryan did very well against him in their debates, so Vance is definitely vulnerable in that format. I think somebody like Kelly or Buttigieg would eat his lunch in a debate, imo. Which is probably why, as you said, there will be no vice-presidential debate this year.
Ryan actually led Vance in the polls, or kept it very close, for a good deal of the campaign, and Vance stumbled and bumbled through much of the campaign. He only pulled comfortably ahead in the polls over the last month or so, and his victory (by about six percent, well below what a Republican should win by in Ohio) was almost certainly due to the magic (R) next to his name, and not to any personal popularity or because he connected with Ohio voters, and certainly not white working-class voters. And Ryan did very well against him in their debates, so Vance is definitely vulnerable in that format. I think somebody like Kelly or Buttigieg would eat his lunch in a debate, imo. Which is probably why, as you said, there will be no vice-presidential debate this year.
Ohio remains one of those states I don't want to step foot in. (no offense Farce)
I can't, just freakin can't wrap my head around how bad the pubs are screwing this up with their mouths. It might be the greatest political choke job in the history of democracy. I don't think they think before opening their mouths and their handlers should be shot, not fired. Trump has thrown unity out the window so he can get his rocks off by being mean to a low IQ black woman. What does he need more of? Black voters and women voters of course. So who does he piss off the most with the mouth diarrhea? He goes for the highly effective two for one strategy by insulting blacks and females at once. Vance then sees this and says hold my beer as he proceeds to make less than flattering comments about women and children. He even gets specific and discusses children and the low IQ black woman thereby giving blacks and women a chance to say maybe these two white guys aren't as nice as I thought they were. I won't make it until the election at this rate.
You treat this as if these are just gaffes or misstatements. Why can't you admit the obvious, that these are the idiots and ideals that gullible cultists and the new MAGA party love?

How long will you go defending people who believe and spout this type of garbage? You do it simply because they have an R beside their names.

That is why many intelligent people, like myself, escaped the party craziness led by Trump, and the cowardly enablers that allow it?

It has not been the Republican party since Trump arrived, and one by one, almost every Pub fell in line. Those remaining are absolute disingenuous cowards.

This is the MAGA party. The Republican party is dead and gone. Many Pubs warned this would happen of Trump was elected. Yet every single one fell in line except a handful with pride, ethics, and actual convictions.