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Can someone explain to me how Rudy Giuliani was charged and found guilty with the election bs when Trump basically did the same thing and no charges?
Can someone explain to me how Rudy Giuliani was charged and found guilty with the election bs when Trump basically did the same thing and no charges?
I think the short answer is that Rudy was stupid enough to name specific individuals and accuse them of baseless, made up criminal conduct, whereas Trump generally restricts his rantings to amorphous things like "the government" and "they" and "the Democrats." That's what led to the huge libel judgment in favor of two individual Georgia election workers.

Trump has basically realized that while it may be actionable libel and slander to baselessly accuse specific people of crimes, it's not when you broadly accuse large groups of people who can't be identified of doing it. Another example would be that saying "the voting machines are rigged" is probably not actionable libel but, as Fox News and others found out, accusing a specific voting machine company (Dominion) of using rigged voting machines is.
Can someone explain to me how Rudy Giuliani was charged and found guilty with the election bs when Trump basically did the same thing and no charges?
Rudes wasn’t “charged and found guilty.” He was found liable for defamation. None of his criminal trials have taken place yet.
I think the short answer is money/power. If Trump loses the election, his power, and money, will dissipate, and in my opinion, he will finally be held to account.