Legend of ZZL
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I am going to take a break from the board because I am so distraught. I hope it will stick. I have good intentions of leaving and then I come back because there are emotional needs, but it's ultimately destructive for me. I am not going to be able to survive without burying my head in the sand. My ten year olds are in tears today. Anyone who has any legal related questions for me, ask them now LOL. Meanwhile a couple of thoughts
1. The most painful thing about this, from my perspective, is that Trump gathered all the worst people in America around him. Everybody who deserved a comeuppance. Everyone who deserved to FAFO. But they won. It's like Star Wars if Luke trusted The Force but missed the shot, and then the Death Star just destroyed the rebel base.
The message is clear: there are no consequences for bad behavior. It's going to get worse. The J6 idiots are all going to get pardoned. We won't have a violence free election ever again. Random violence is also going to increase.
2. China will take Taiwan now. Trump has made it clear he will not lift a finger. All the MAGA idiots think he's against China. He's only against Chinese people. He loves the Chinese government.
3. It's not exactly news that polling is dead.
4. Do not have any sympathy for any MAGA. They have no mercy or care for you. They voted on the basis of liberals being the enemy of the people. So they started a war. We should not forgive them for "the enemy within." Ever.
Do not fraternize with MAGAs. Do not spend any money with a MAGA business. When the economy collapses for them, have no tears or sympathy for them. FAFO. We stupidly try to help the people affected by hurricanes. They have shown that they won't do the same for us, and they are laughing at our gullibility. To the extent that Helene was the fault of any person, it's the fault of Republican voters who have resisted doing anything about climate change. FAFO. When Florida's insurance market fails, laugh at them. Do not help them. FAFO.
The reason that this happened is that liberals always insulate MAGAs from the consequences of their own stupidity. That mentality has to go away, because they will not be grateful. It just makes them worse. Remember: these are people who are in the vast majority of cases motivated almost entirely by hate for you. When you help them, they get angry. No, in the future, Democrats must be for Democrats only. The only way MAGA will die is for MAGAs to feel the full repercussions of what they have done.
5. There's been a philosophical argument that has received some currency in recent years: are we likely to be living in the last generations of humans? The argument is yes, because statistically there are more humans now than ever and whenever the species ends, more people will be alive at that point than ever before. I am not sure I am doing the argument full justice, but I never paid much attention to it. Now I am giving it a second thought.
For those of us in Gen X, there's a real possibility that between war, instability, AI and climate change, the species will die. Maybe not go extinct but there will be massive loss of life coming. A broad war in Europe cannot be ruled out. For those in Gen Z, I see no hope of them dying of old age.
6. We just had a candidate win office talking about how the whole country is a garbage can. Well, when that's what our leaders project for us, that's what will happen.
7. I cannot emphasize this enough: MAGA has made itself an enemy of all reasonableness and decency. There is no peace to make. Every gesture of kindness that you direct at a MAGA is just wasting good on bad. This is extremely painful for me to write, because it runs contrary to every instinct of mine. But it is the thing that has to happen. Until they learn the consequences of what they have done, they will keep doing them. Our only hope as a nation is Trump crashing the country.
And radical structural change must be on the table. The next time we get power, we need to change the constitution by any means possible. By. Any. Means. I don't care if Trump wins the national popular vote or not -- it was the stupidity of our alpha version constitution that got us to this point. It will continue to lead back to this dead end. The cycle has been the same over and over again. Liberals try to effect positive change. Because of the Senate and other factors, they block us. The Supreme Court sends back the things we do accomplish. Then voters say, "you didn't do anything for us."
If we want to have a good society, we have to make it possible for the good people to do good things. When we don't, then this is what happens.
Capitalism is not the problem. Our 1789 constitution is.
1. The most painful thing about this, from my perspective, is that Trump gathered all the worst people in America around him. Everybody who deserved a comeuppance. Everyone who deserved to FAFO. But they won. It's like Star Wars if Luke trusted The Force but missed the shot, and then the Death Star just destroyed the rebel base.
The message is clear: there are no consequences for bad behavior. It's going to get worse. The J6 idiots are all going to get pardoned. We won't have a violence free election ever again. Random violence is also going to increase.
2. China will take Taiwan now. Trump has made it clear he will not lift a finger. All the MAGA idiots think he's against China. He's only against Chinese people. He loves the Chinese government.
3. It's not exactly news that polling is dead.
4. Do not have any sympathy for any MAGA. They have no mercy or care for you. They voted on the basis of liberals being the enemy of the people. So they started a war. We should not forgive them for "the enemy within." Ever.
Do not fraternize with MAGAs. Do not spend any money with a MAGA business. When the economy collapses for them, have no tears or sympathy for them. FAFO. We stupidly try to help the people affected by hurricanes. They have shown that they won't do the same for us, and they are laughing at our gullibility. To the extent that Helene was the fault of any person, it's the fault of Republican voters who have resisted doing anything about climate change. FAFO. When Florida's insurance market fails, laugh at them. Do not help them. FAFO.
The reason that this happened is that liberals always insulate MAGAs from the consequences of their own stupidity. That mentality has to go away, because they will not be grateful. It just makes them worse. Remember: these are people who are in the vast majority of cases motivated almost entirely by hate for you. When you help them, they get angry. No, in the future, Democrats must be for Democrats only. The only way MAGA will die is for MAGAs to feel the full repercussions of what they have done.
5. There's been a philosophical argument that has received some currency in recent years: are we likely to be living in the last generations of humans? The argument is yes, because statistically there are more humans now than ever and whenever the species ends, more people will be alive at that point than ever before. I am not sure I am doing the argument full justice, but I never paid much attention to it. Now I am giving it a second thought.
For those of us in Gen X, there's a real possibility that between war, instability, AI and climate change, the species will die. Maybe not go extinct but there will be massive loss of life coming. A broad war in Europe cannot be ruled out. For those in Gen Z, I see no hope of them dying of old age.
6. We just had a candidate win office talking about how the whole country is a garbage can. Well, when that's what our leaders project for us, that's what will happen.
7. I cannot emphasize this enough: MAGA has made itself an enemy of all reasonableness and decency. There is no peace to make. Every gesture of kindness that you direct at a MAGA is just wasting good on bad. This is extremely painful for me to write, because it runs contrary to every instinct of mine. But it is the thing that has to happen. Until they learn the consequences of what they have done, they will keep doing them. Our only hope as a nation is Trump crashing the country.
And radical structural change must be on the table. The next time we get power, we need to change the constitution by any means possible. By. Any. Means. I don't care if Trump wins the national popular vote or not -- it was the stupidity of our alpha version constitution that got us to this point. It will continue to lead back to this dead end. The cycle has been the same over and over again. Liberals try to effect positive change. Because of the Senate and other factors, they block us. The Supreme Court sends back the things we do accomplish. Then voters say, "you didn't do anything for us."
If we want to have a good society, we have to make it possible for the good people to do good things. When we don't, then this is what happens.
Capitalism is not the problem. Our 1789 constitution is.