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“… Despite failing students, teachers, and schools, [Oklahoma State School Superintendent] Walters has nevertheless tapped the state coffers to pay a Washington, DC-based media firm up to
$5,000 a month to project a cartoonish image of a macho Christian culture warrior by writing his op-eds and speeches and booking him for media appearances.
Local investigative journalism hasblown the lid off of his vanity project—which, as it happens, is directly connected to Project 2025. Walters had the
state contract with Vought Strategies for his public relations campaign. The president of Vought Strategies (whose name bears an eerie resemblance to
the evil corporation in the popular TV show The Boys) is Mary Vought, who’s also
VP of Strategic Communications at the Heritage Foundation, which published the Project 2025 handbook.
That’s right. Vought is in charge of the Heritage Foundation’s communications
and in charge of Walters’ image and speaking.
This is not a minor coincidence. Walters appears to have
bent the rulesand
gone out of his way to contract with Vought’s group. Mary Vought previously recognized her husband Russ Vought on the
Vought Strategies website (that has since changed, though it’s unclear whether the relationship has changed or simply their public acknowledgement of it). Russ Vought, one of the masterminds behind Project 2025 (he wrote a big part of their playbook), is a
self-described Christian nationalist who runs the Center for Renewing America, whose
top issues include “Christian nationalism.” Russ also ran the Office of Management and Budget for the Trump administration.
First Liberty Institute, a Christian nationalist legal outfit based in Texas, is among
Project 2025’s “advisory partners” and
represents Walters in the religious public school case mentioned above. Walters has advocated mandatory “
patriotic training” for teachers from Hillsdale College, another
Project 2025 advisory partner. Walters appointed a team to
completely rewrite Oklahoma’s social studies standards that includes David Barton of Wallbuilders, Dennis Prager of PragerU, and Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation and the man who literally wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 playbook.
This overlap in personnel between Oklahoma and Project 2025 is more striking given Project 2025’s emphasis on personnel, even
quoting the axiom “personnel is policy” in the first substantive note in the 900+ page playbook. …”