Russian interference & Iranian and Chinese Interference

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Russian election interference efforts focus on the Harris-Walz campaign​

I don't even know what to say anymore other than I am so fucking tired of this bullshit.
We have known of Russians reference for years. That’s a fact. Sadly I am extremely disappointed and despondent that over these years, and the last 4 in particular, the legal and regulatory systems of our country could not effectively get its act together to cut out Russian propaganda and hold people accountable. This failure after 4 or more years, more than anything, screams that our system is broken. Literally, more than anything else. It’s not that we have numbnuts in positions of power who are really unqualified, the surprising thing is more that the current system and its leaders couldn’t define a pathway to aggressively stop the erosion of the system. I actually want to know what will be done to eradicate this cancer within the next four years. Being the part in power waxes and wanes, but what type or permanence can be established to prevent this entire morass from continuing to happen. (Presuming the Dems can secure enough branches of government to enact meaning legislation).
We have known of Russians reference for years. That’s a fact. Sadly I am extremely disappointed and despondent that over these years, and the last 4 in particular, the legal and regulatory systems of our country could not effectively get its act together to cut out Russian propaganda and hold people accountable. This failure after 4 or more years, more than anything, screams that our system is broken. Literally, more than anything else. It’s not that we have numbnuts in positions of power who are really unqualified, the surprising thing is more that the current system and its leaders couldn’t define a pathway to aggressively stop the erosion of the system. I actually want to know what will be done to eradicate this cancer within the next four years. Being the part in power waxes and wanes, but what type or permanence can be established to prevent this entire morass from continuing to happen. (Presuming the Dems can secure enough branches of government to enact meaning legislation).
I'm curious what specific actions you think the US government should have taken to "cut Russian propaganda and hold people accountable"?
We have known of Russians reference for years. That’s a fact. Sadly I am extremely disappointed and despondent that over these years, and the last 4 in particular, the legal and regulatory systems of our country could not effectively get its act together to cut out Russian propaganda and hold people accountable. This failure after 4 or more years, more than anything, screams that our system is broken. Literally, more than anything else. It’s not that we have numbnuts in positions of power who are really unqualified, the surprising thing is more that the current system and its leaders couldn’t define a pathway to aggressively stop the erosion of the system. I actually want to know what will be done to eradicate this cancer within the next four years. Being the part in power waxes and wanes, but what type or permanence can be established to prevent this entire morass from continuing to happen. (Presuming the Dems can secure enough branches of government to enact meaning legislation).
I don’t think it’s remotely possible to stop Russia from distributing disinformation in the United States in the internet age. The people generating the content are not here, and you just can’t prevent it from getting into the hands of anyone who’s looking for it, and many who are not.
I'm curious what specific actions you think the US government should have taken to "cut Russian propaganda and hold people accountable"?
I don’t have solutions. But then again it’s not my job to come up with solutions. But I do know that after 4 or more years this shit is worse than it ever has been, seems like the we haven’t given enough resources to solving this problem. I’m not squaring a blame on any one particular person or group of people. I am saying that it’s a problem that has gotten worse and it hasn’t been solved. For the record, I am not a Republican and my assertion is one of systemic failure, not blame.
I don’t have solutions. But then again it’s not my job to come up with solutions. But I do know that after 4 or more years this shit is worse than it ever has been, seems like the we haven’t given enough resources to solving this problem. I’m not squaring a blame on any one particular person or group of people. I am saying that it’s a problem that has gotten worse and it hasn’t been solved. For the record, I am not a Republican and my assertion is one of systemic failure, not blame.
The problem when it comes to propaganda is that it isn't illegal in many cases. Unless you want to live in a society that doesn't largely respect free speech, there's little that can be done against most propaganda because it's simply a part of the system. When laws are broken, our government is getting involved (see the recent indictment regarding RT & Tenet Media regarding violations of money laundering & FARA). But unless specific laws are broken, the First Amendment largely protects speech that would be classified as propaganda.

The issue here is that you seem ready to blame the government for not intervening in a problem that largely falls outside of their jurisdiction, even when they have intervened when they can. The problem we face largely doesn't have a legal remedy unless you're ready to significantly rewrite the laws of our country (including the Constitution) to address it. In this case, we're simply living through one of the downsides of our commitment to free speech.

As far as what Iran did, the government is addressing it to the best of their ability. They're doing everything practical to hold those who broke our laws accountable. But, again, there are significant limitations as to what the US Government can do to prevent these actions by other countries (and to limit the damage done by the actions of these countries) and we have to be realistic about what we can actually do in these kinds of situations.
I always over-simplify things to the point of oblivion. And I always get lost in some sort of "for the want of a nail" analysis that I think explains everything. And I know this sort of political rat-(f-word)ing has been going on forever. But, . . ., I sure wish Bill Clinton had kept his pants zipped-up while he was President. It sure seems that politics as a blood sport got way more vicious in the wake of the GOP successes at demonizing Bill Clinton for being a philandering ass-hat. James Carvelle can say until he is blue in the face, "Anyone who that thought that dog was going to stay on the porch, just didn't know Bill Clinton," but that explains nothing. And I know this kind of stuff was going to happen soon or later without any help from Bill Clinton. But I hate what America has become.

You want to know how far I think America has fallen? I look back on the Reagan years and think that was a time when Republicans still had a few shreads of self-respect.
You want to know how far I think America has fallen? I look back on the Reagan years and think that was a time when Republicans still had a few shreads of self-respect.
Remembering how much I disliked Bob Dole for his hard right beliefs/governance, oh how I would love to see him in charge of the pubs Senate again.