‘Tar Heel Ghosts’

It’s funny but we were vacationing at LongBeach when we’re drove up to to Maco to seethe light…

As a young boy I swore that I had seen The Gray Man as a hurricane bore down on my family and I in our house at Long Beach. We rode it out -- why I do not know -- and the roof blew off of the house across the street. I chalked it up to that North Carolina Ghost Story despite the fact that he is supposed to only haunt The Outer Banks or Pawley's Island (depending on which story you want to go with).
When I was an Explorer Scout and after I had my license, I was able to borrow my grandfather's car and a whole car load of Explorers drove down to some event somewhat remotely close to where the Maco Light was supposed to be. I have no idea if we were even within five miles of the supposed location. But at least two other guys in the car swore we were in exactly the right place. We saw nothing. I tried to lie my way out of coming home late, but my father wasn't buying it. Finally, he said he had done the same thing when he was my age, with the same results. So he told me not to worry about his father, claiming his father would have been disappointed if I had of gotten home on-time.