Trump / Musk (other than DOGE) Omnibus Thread

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Serious question. What are the ethics behind investing in this stock? I would not do it personally and I have no idea how sound that would be. If I had to guess, it would have a very big upside for a low probability event and a bigger chance of losing the recent gains which is a significant lbut limited loss. But someone who was willing to take a risk might find it one worth taking.

Also, IMO, one word completely changes the ethics. When the founder used the word "millions" that means he would be complicit in an action that would almost certainly be a significant crime against humanity. The concentration camps required would be unbelievably massive and could not be run in a humane way. (And, no, I am not saying these would be intentional death camps but they almost certainly would not pass humane standards.)
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Well there are "too good" to stoop to such jobs of course
I would say this. If the economy gets as bad as I think it will, we will find people who will take those jobs because the population will be desperate.

That is not a good thing.

I am 53 and would (as humbly as possible) say I am in very good shape for my age, but I don't know what I could do and not do. But if I could do it and were desperate, I would take a job working construction or doing farm labor. It wouldn't pay the bills but it could subsidize whatever I would have to early withdraw from my 401k. I would also have to consider whether the situation with my son would allow me to do so.
Isn’t that what we are already doing with Indian tech workers via H1B?
I would guess that tech workers in general have more power due to their skill level than the average migrant worker has. Lot easier to exploit a low skill worker because finding another is so easy.

This reminds me. I wouldn't put it past Trump to allow some to stay but with conditions that would make them easily exploitable. Say losing a job requires immediate deportation and requires employees to report any change in job status. Have a list of deported immigrants on a waiting list to immediately fill any deportation. That would only work if we deported most of the existing workforce. Goodness it would make so much sense and be so evil.
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Serious question. What are the ethics behind investing in this stock? I would not do it personally and I have no idea how sound that would be. If I had to guess, it would have a very big upside for a low probability event and a bigger chance of losing the recent gains which is a significant lbut limited loss. But someone who was willing to take a risk might find it one worth taking.

Also, IMO, one word completely changes the ethics. When the founder used the word "millions" that means he would be complicit in an action that would almost certainly be a significant crime against humanity. The concentration camps required would be unbelievably massive and could not be run in a humane way. (And, no, I am not saying these would be intentional death camps but they almost certainly would not pass humane standards.)
I expect this slogan will make a comeback.

Arbeit macht frei.
Not only that, it’s been explained to him and others repeatedly that the bill came to be because Mitch McConnell tapped Jim Lankford, one of the most hard core conservative Senators from one of the deepest red states in the country, to create the bill, and it was created with the Democrats literally surrendering on everything- they gave away the whole farm!- and getting nothing in return. In other words, it was the stuff of Republican wet dreams. And they still wouldn’t pass it because Trump told them not to. Now, as it turns out, it was damn smart shrewed politics because it worked in their favor. But just because it worked, and just because it was shrewd to tank it, does not mean that it wasn’t the absolute best bill the Republican party has ever, or will ever, be able to reasonably pass. And yet every single right wing dumb fuck on this board talks about it like it was some Marxist piece of legislation.
Are you still trying to sell this horseshit, Avery Whitbourne? You think people didn’t realize this bill, put forth three years into a Presidency infamous for allowing people to stream across our borders, was nothing more than an attempt to enshrine most of Biden’s failed policies into law, topped with a few sprinkles to make it seem more palatable? Lankford himself backed away from this stinker. It didn’t end catch-and-release. It would’ve allowed administrations to continue to create more parole-type programs in order to admit people without visas or proper documentation. It limited Presidential powers to shut down the border unless the average crossings per day climbed above 4,000 (and didn’t automatically shut down until that number reached 5,000). That’s about 1.8 million immigrants guaranteed entry every year, ensuring near historic, record-levels would be admitted yearly . It was just an atrocious bill; an attempt to place Biden’s failed policies into law that would hamstring future attempts to actually “solve” the issue. Anyone with half a brain saw this for what it was.
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Are you still trying to sell this horseshit, Avery Whitbourne? You think people didn’t realize this bill, put forth three years into a Presidency infamous for allowing people to stream across our borders, was nothing more than an attempt to enshrine most of Biden’s failed policies into law, topped with a few sprinkles to make it seem more palatable? Lankford himself backed away from this stinker. It didn’t end catch-and-release. It would’ve allowed administration’s to continue to create more parole-type programs in order to admit people without visas or proper documentation. It limited Presidential powers to shut down the border unless the average crossings per day climbed above 4,000 (and didn’t automatically shut down until that number reached 5,000). That’s about 1.8 million immigrants guaranteed entry every year, ensuring near historic, record-levels would be admitted yearly . It was just an atrocious bill; an attempt to place Biden’s failed policies into law that would hamstring future attempts to actually “solve” the issue. Anyone with half a brain saw this for what it was.
Who told you?
Are you still trying to sell this horseshit, Avery Whitbourne? You think people didn’t realize this bill, put forth three years into a Presidency infamous for allowing people to stream across our borders, was nothing more than an attempt to enshrine most of Biden’s failed policies into law, topped with a few sprinkles to make it seem more palatable? Lankford himself backed away from this stinker. It didn’t end catch-and-release. It would’ve allowed administrations to continue to create more parole-type programs in order to admit people without visas or proper documentation. It limited Presidential powers to shut down the border unless the average crossings per day climbed above 4,000 (and didn’t automatically shut down until that number reached 5,000). That’s about 1.8 million immigrants guaranteed entry every year, ensuring near historic, record-levels would be admitted yearly . It was just an atrocious bill; an attempt to place Biden’s failed policies into law that would hamstring future attempts to actually “solve” the issue. Anyone with half a brain saw this for what it was.
I’m going to tell you this one more time, cocksucker. I don’t know what deficit or what void you have in your life that causes you to continually follow me around this board trying to gargle my balls and only my balls in particular, but you need to get some help. I don’t have any interest in discussing any policy points with you. Go find somebody else’s dick to try to suck, or better yet, go take a long walk off a short pier. You’ll be doing a lot of people a favor.
I have 40 vets working for me and will not hire an ILLEGAL. Could I make more money hiring them? Of course. It all boils down to pure greed. My industry is full of low paid illegals and none of them pay taxes. If you hire ILLEGALS then you are part of the problem. Saying they are doing jobs nobody wants is true but the context is they are doing jobs at a poverty wage that nobody wants. Its just an easy cop out to say nobody will work but illegals. Illegals are the only ones who will work for poverty wages, true.
I have 40 vets working for me and will not hire an ILLEGAL. Could I make more money hiring them? Of course. It all boils down to pure greed. My industry is full of low paid illegals and none of them pay taxes. If you hire ILLEGALS then you are part of the problem. Saying they are doing jobs nobody wants is true but the context is they are doing jobs at a poverty wage that nobody wants. Its just an easy cop out to say nobody will work but illegals. Illegals are the only ones who will work for poverty wages, true.
I'd rather have a guest worker program rather than having illegals do it. You have to admit that there is something to admire about someone of any race, religion or nationality who will take everything he owns and leave everything he knows behind for a better chance and then work almost any kind of job. Those people aren't taking that job if someone here won't drive or move 50 miles to take it. They're earning it.

“… The behind-the-scenes discussions, which started months before the election and have picked up in the days since Trump’s victory, include policy changes required to increase deportations, according to people working on the presidential transition, members of Congress and others close to the president-elect.

… Among the changes: revoking a Biden administration policy directing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement not to pursue immigrants in the country illegally who haven’t committed other crimes, and making changes to the immigration court system to speed up cases. Trump’s allies have said they are planning first to focus on immigrants in the country illegally who have received final orders of deportation from an immigration court, of which there are about 1.3 million, as well as those with other criminal convictions or charges. …”

I thought Mexico was going to pay to remove all them Mexicans and other browns. /s
I'd rather have a guest worker program rather than having illegals do it. You have to admit that there is something to admire about someone of any race, religion or nationality who will take everything he owns and leave everything he knows behind for a better chance and then work almost any kind of job. Those people aren't taking that job if someone here won't drive or move 50 miles to take it. They're earning it.
They are ILLEGAL plain an simple. $50 a day cash working in the fields is a lot of money to someone who made $1 in central america. Again, they are not doing jobs legals will not do. They are doing jobs at a well below living wage in America that legals wont do. Regardless, they are illegals that so-called law abiding Americans are hiring.
They are ILLEGAL plain an simple. $50 a day cash working in the fields is a lot of money to someone who made $1 in central america. Again, they are not doing jobs legals will not do. They are doing jobs at a well below living wage in America that legals wont do. Regardless, they are illegals that so-called law abiding Americans are hiring.
and what do you propose?

Mass deportation seems like a sure-fire way to kill off a lot of businesses that depend on their labor, and will cause inflation to skyrocket.
They are ILLEGAL plain an simple. $50 a day cash working in the fields is a lot of money to someone who made $1 in central america. Again, they are not doing jobs legals will not do. They are doing jobs at a well below living wage in America that legals wont do. Regardless, they are illegals that so-called law abiding Americans are hiring.
I understand that they are illegal. You don't understand my point about drive and ambition. And yes, they are doing jobs others won't. Don't tell that trash to someone in construction for 45 years. I worked around and with enough people of all types to have a damned good sense of who will do what. I also doubt any of the ones I worked around in the last 20 years were only making 50 dollars.
I have 40 vets working for me and will not hire an ILLEGAL. Could I make more money hiring them? Of course. It all boils down to pure greed. My industry is full of low paid illegals and none of them pay taxes. If you hire ILLEGALS then you are part of the problem. Saying they are doing jobs nobody wants is true but the context is they are doing jobs at a poverty wage that nobody wants. Its just an easy cop out to say nobody will work but illegals. Illegals are the only ones who will work for poverty wages, true.
So how much higher do wages need to be, in whatever field you work in, before reliable American workers will do the job? How much will that increase the price a customer pays for a typical service/job?
I have 40 vets working for me and will not hire an ILLEGAL. Could I make more money hiring them? Of course. It all boils down to pure greed. My industry is full of low paid illegals and none of them pay taxes. If you hire ILLEGALS then you are part of the problem. Saying they are doing jobs nobody wants is true but the context is they are doing jobs at a poverty wage that nobody wants. Its just an easy cop out to say nobody will work but illegals. Illegals are the only ones who will work for poverty wages, true.
I don’t know what your business is where undocumented workers were not paying taxes. I took over a company full of undocumented Mexicans, Salvadorans and Nicaraguans (who all hated each other) and they all got ADP payroll checks with federal state and FICA/Medicare withholding and the company paid in its share of FICA and Medicare contributions for each employee. They all had submitted I-9 forms using fake Social Security numbers.

I implemented a simple system for screening applicants much more thoroughly to insure they were eligible to work in this country legally. I didn’t allow applications to be taken home and brought back in already filled out for somebody's “cousin” who was a man but the application was filled out in an obviously woman’s handwriting. I required applicants to fill out the application (available in Spanish or English) themselves, on-site with no one else in the room. Then I would briefly interview them with the application in my hands by asking them their address, SS#, etc which they frequently couldn’t repeat since all they knew was a number written on a paper they had copied onto the application (my assistant was bilingual and would handle any needed translation.)

Once they realized I wasn’t playing the wink and nod game with them and their “cousin” realized their referral wasn’t getting hired, word got around pretty quickly that we didn’t hire people with fake documents and we started to clean it up. Of course this would have been resolved by a robust eVerify system but business owners (and conservative organizations like the Cato Institute) have opposed eVerify for “ideological reasons”. E-Verify is required for anyon working for the federal government or for those employees working on a government contract at a private employer. 22 states also require it for state employees and those working on state contracts. That is why road construction crews often look very different from construction crews working on privately funded projects.

I have always said if you want to end illegal immigration, you have to go after the employers. Other than those seeking asylum, immigrants come here for jobs. If there are no jobs the immigrants stop coming. How do we stop those illegally immigrating to fill jobs? By prosecuting and jailing those who knowingly hire them. Swift meat-packing plants in the Midwest were raided and 1300 illegal workers who had passed eVerify were found. Employers don’t want to fix eVerify, politicians don’t want to fix eVerify. They can look tough on immigration by being in favor of it while allowing it to operate with low functionality so the Republican business owners (known as “entrepreneurs” in GOP lingo) who are hiring all the illegal workers can have deniability that they knowingly hire these workers. Why do politicians not go after those who hire illegal workers? Because those are the people who contribute to Republican politicians.

This whole “stop illegal immigration” and “deport illegals” BS is a scam. It is just more political theater designed to keep working class white people believing Republicans are on their side. That’s why the bipartisan immigration bill was scrapped. You will know they are serious when they impose penalties (including incarceration) for the people who knowingly hire illegal workers. But liked so many other BS issues, none of it will change until we have genuine campaign finance reform in this country. Always follow the money.
I have 40 vets working for me and will not hire an ILLEGAL. Could I make more money hiring them? Of course. It all boils down to pure greed. My industry is full of low paid illegals and none of them pay taxes. If you hire ILLEGALS then you are part of the problem. Saying they are doing jobs nobody wants is true but the context is they are doing jobs at a poverty wage that nobody wants. Its just an easy cop out to say nobody will work but illegals. Illegals are the only ones who will work for poverty wages, true.
First off, this is a very incorrect broad brush. In many areas, the folks doing these jobs are VERY well paid regardless of their origin.

However, let's take your assertion at face value and say that these jobs can be filled with higher wage Americans. Where do those higher wages come from? And we arent talking marginally higher wages according to you...we are talking huge (again, according to you) leaps in wage. Won't the contractors and farmers have to dramatically raise the cost of their goods and services?

Furthermore, since unemployment is pretty danged low, what sector will these folks move from and what will those employers do for labor? It would seem they would have to also raise wages substantially to prevent loss of workforce.

Then all the other consumers must pay for these increased costs because they might be able to avoid construction and landscaping but they surely can't avoid food.

Isn't this precisely the kind of inflationary argument routinely made against large mandatory increases in minimum wage?