For the rest of the board, to the extent that there was even a question in that batshit crazy insane screed of calla’s above, here is what I would’ve liked to have seen done on Russia and Ukraine.
First of all, I would have liked to have seen each of our last three presidential administrations be a whole hell of a lot tougher on Russia. Mitt Romney was 100% correct that Russia is our biggest geopolitical enemy and should always be treated as such; I thought it was ludicrous and absurd that Obama was so dismissive of that. As someone who came up Republican and conservative in the 1990’s and 2000’s, it has always been pretty clear to me that Russia should be treated like an outright enemy. There is not another country on the planet who is more willing to invade the sovereignty of other countries, or more willing to blatantly interfere with the democratic processes in other countries. I would have liked to have seen us respond more harshly and with more urgency to Putin’s invasion of Crimea in 2014.
As it pertains to Ukraine, I think that we collectively- Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals alike- have completely let them down across two administrations now. We should have completely opened up the spigot of giving them whatever weapons and aid they needed whenever they needed it, and not imposed any restrictions on how and where they could use it. Yes, we have supplied billions upon billions of dollars worth of weaponry, but it has still been pretty much a half measure that has allowed them to keep the Russians somewhat at bay but never have any legitimate chance of defeating them or pushing them out of Ukraine. We are going to look back on that as a colossal failure, because Russia is not going to stop with Ukraine. We had an opportunity to permanently destroy the economy and the military strength of our primary geopolitical foe for essentially pennies on the dollar, without putting a single American boot or a single drop of American blood, on the ground. We should have essentially given Ukraine a blank check as it pertains to weaponry, and we should have imposed draconian economic sanctions to thoroughly choke and starve Russia to death, if need be. The only person on the planet who is more full of shit about using nuclear weapons than Vladimir Putin, is Kim Jong Un.
The Trump administration’s inability to publicly blame Russia for the invasion of Ukraine- and their willingness to imply that Ukraine is at fault in the same way one might imply that a rape victim is at fault- is feckless, cowardly, and enormously detrimental to the future of the United States’ leadership and influence on the world stage.