UNC Basketball Thread


Esteemed Member
Couldn’t find a UNC Basketball thread started, so this will have to do. (Mods: If there is one already started, please merge or delete this one).

I thought I saw a thread about blue/white game in Cherokee for NIL consideration.

Andy Katz flat out disrespects RJ Davis.

Krat sux and so does d00k
I learned something today! Thank you
Whatever you do aGDevil2k - go back to TDD for your basketball fix. Don't bring that krat d00k shite on this board. REMEMBER: This board is an off-shoot of Inside Carolina. I do like the cut of your jib in terms of politics... and that's fine. But please remember where you are. Thanks in advance.
I saw on Facebook that some folks are upset about the end of Late Night/Live Action. I wish the blue-white game was still played at the Dean Dome, but I thought everything else with Late Night/Live Action had become boring.
I saw on Facebook that some folks are upset about the end of Late Night/Live Action. I wish the blue-white game was still played at the Dean Dome, but I thought everything else with Late Night/Live Action had become boring.
It was a bit past time to 86 it.
What, I can't lightly needle folks? ;)

I'll ignore now...
@quakerdevil @aGDevil2k @Duke Mu @dukeman92 @maxcrowder I think y’all should feel free to start a Duke basketball thread if you want. I’d love to participate in good, thoughtful discussion about the other half of the greatest rivalry in sports. IC and TDD have plenty of ridiculous trash talk to wade through, I’d much rather discuss Duke and Carolina basketball with more knowledgeable and more rational folks like those which comprise this community.
Totally not rational. I’d argue that I’m 100% fanatical when it comes to despising all things d00k and most especially the bball team. And I would just as soon they go back to TDD for their fix on that subject. It was nice of them to welcome some from IC over there when ZZLP went away… but since this board is up now, I can’t see the need nor desire for a Tar Heel to venture there anymore. Nor do I see the need for a d00k bball thread to start around these parts. That just wouldn’t be cricket.